Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Varicella Chicken Pox Diagram

Moon: identity (de) constructed


YEAR 2009 TIME: 97 min. COUNTRY: United Kingdom

SCREENWRITER DIRECTOR Duncan Jones Duncan Jones, Nathan Parker Clint Mansell

Gary Shaw CAST Sam Rockwell, Kaya Scodelario, Matt Berry, Malcolm Stewart, Benedict Wong, Dominique McElligott, Robin Chalk, Kevin Spacey
PRODUCER Sony Pictures Classics / Liberty Films UK

First British film director Duncan Jones after his 2002 short film Whistle written by Nathan Parker. Has allowed its young director to win the BAFTA for best British newcomer director last year and win best film at the Sitges Festival.

Apparently, and I stress it's apparently Moon tells the last days of Sam Bell (Sam Rockwell) in the job has been occupying the last three years as supervisor of a mine planted on the moon. Good family man, Sam the hours you have left to be with theirs. But something strange starts to happen when Sam begins to feel more tired and have visions and, finally, this causes an accident that awakens without any problems ... or so it seems.

Life on Mars, magnificent sci-fi detective series of the BBC, he dared to place his protagonist, Sam Tyler, in a past time without any of the comforts of being a cop in the present, no CSI techniques or their research teams. But the important thing was not that, in fact, police cases were fairly predictable. What I really wanted was to place the character before the world, observing their reactions and dizzy, with the audience, who looked bewildered by the madness of the trip to Manchester police. As read opening the legendary series, is it a dream? Are you in a coma? Or realmene has traveled through time? I quote this masterpiece of television because Moon nothing is as it seems, and follows a very similar game in the confusing network. Fairly intelligent and not at all tricky, the story gets put to the viewer straight into a Kafkaesque nightmare that is becoming as we cleared layers of fabric. Right? "Lie?

entire film is based on that game between reality and fiction about the identity of Sam. The miner is one of the kaleidoscopic creations the big screen has seen in recent years. Presented as a sober man, simple, hardworking, we discover, with him, the chilling reality of a life modeled, carved in minute detail. As one who dared to set foot outside the cave and tried to warn the rest of the shadows were mere illusions. Especially noteworthy in this sense the presence of a city created by Sam Wood (plural) over time, it is not only the first mirror, as viewers, we are facing. Sam you have been placed in a false room in a false reality. As he does with his toys. So when the new Sam appears, the model completely detruye trying to find a way out. When a man finds himself, when man sees in the mirror as it is, is when it really is able to act consistently. This occurrence, hedge funds, the presence of self, causes a particularly ominous development. If before kafka quoted by Sam living nightmare, unable to contact the bureaucrats withheld, must do it again. If the new Sam has learned from its mistakes, has seen what the real world, while the original Sam is destroyed, remembering also the recent District 9, which put the character helpless in the hands of a multinational I worked feverishly. Like the selfish Wikus film Neill Blomkamp, \u200b\u200bthe character finally understands his fate and accept the sacrifice as necessary to give yourself a chance to start from scratch, delete the experiences of the cave to take a chance on earth, in the real world.

is because we are dealing with an issue latent in society, the omnipresent control of multinationals and the ability to control ourselves, to create us as serial fashion. Living in a sterile world, completely distorted the colors to be removed in a truly minimalist design space, seems to put our character in a non-place, a void in the middle of nowhere, where every room has the same aesthetic and whose only company is an artificial element (Magnificently voiced by Kevin Spacey) to, the vulgar, to give talk. As envisioned in Bradbury Fahrenheit 451 in the future would be absorbed, living through screens and we would ask anything. And the robot also marks a curious point in thinking about Sam's own identity. In a lifeless place, where everything is created and there is nothing organic, evolving machines themselves, have the ability to seek to be something for which they are not designed. As Roy Batty in Blade Runner as Wall-E in the movie of the same name, the machines aspire to be, and Gerty, who was created to serve the multinational to the Sam works, and to withhold information all the time, brings an empathetic relationship with his "boss" and choose to break the chains, face his creator, and sacrifice because he is "so that Sam is right." A decision that, while it may seem positive for the character (actually Gerty is all that is left) leaves the question of whether something is human or Gerty Sam has helped him out of empathy "cybernetics" by pure compassion and knowing that has nothing.

But Moon is also a way to understand and create films. 3D currently reigns in the lockers. Avatar has filled rooms in the middle of a crisis and every self-respecting blockbuster film seems to need a wash face in post so that people will pay twice as much for her. Overflowing with special effects, breakneck pace and always insane ability to stun the viewer through synergistic stimulation thousand not realize that is not really witnessing nothing more than a few extremely well-made digital dolls. Moon commitment to the drama the character and an impeccable production of a very classic understated style. Without additives, with the special effects just and necessary, the tension rising, and outstanding performance (twice) Sam Rockwell, Jones comes out triumphant at the time of recovering the humanistic style of science fiction with few weapons but excellent employee. Without seeking the suspense or surprise (when Sam has the accident, the assembly consists of a cut to the new Sam, there is no effect), Moon overwhelms the ability to reach viewers directly and his outstanding final half hour, which compensates for slight errors in the script.

therefore be said that without revolutionize science fiction (not so intended, really) did rescue the aged flavor of the most humanistic of the genre productions that occurred during the 60, 70 or 80 and used spacecraft , cyborgs and other (already) entelechies to ask what is man. Moon is brave in spite of its lack of innovation. And it is for his honesty and romance, and who dares to tell a little story and well basted in a genre from the 90's used to stun the mind of the viewer with a montage frantic and ultra-realistic special effects that go beyond the perceptive capacity more than one. Therefore, it can not be more than welcome for this great achievement made by Duncan Jones. Hopefully know more about him as filmmaker and son of David Bowie.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Vlad The Impaler Drink Blood

The hero and the legend: Indiana Jones and the latter one cross

I do not know if it is a statement of an eminent philosopher, a famous verbal grandly of an idiot as the writer this comment, or he just happened to the idiot who wrote this comment, but the phrase that every great person or every great hero is a child of his time, could not be better used to describe that great heroes of cinema literature. And these are created by brilliant writers hired pens looking for a monthly salary that will bail out those who bear the cost of the bohemian life. In turn, these writers have a different way of seeing their hero by the time you have imagined, and also the period in which they located, as a model of attitude never be located equally in any time period. And again, these writers will influences a completely different in appearance to build their characters fetish, but almost everyone has a prototype that usually follow to the letter from which Cervantes sacase of the hat his Quixote. He is the father of the novel (adventure) modern. What I say father! The grandfather of the novel (adventure) modern! That cynicism sometimes outside the consciousness of the protagonist, that disappointment in the narrative of events, the disfigurement of the figure of the romantic hero of the chivalric romances of Roland and the Cid, was perhaps the biggest change in literature past five centuries. Coincidentally, it was written in decline of the English colonial empire, one that did not set the now waning sun and so Espido, and in the literature resulted in the culmination of perhaps the best book ever written. Don Quixote was the son of his time, as later were the romantic musketeers Dumas, the cynical and cocky detective par excellence, Philip Marlowe, eldest son and darling of the chronicler of the dark side of life that was Chandler, the quixotic Arturo Bandini dreamy loser devised by John Fante, or strictly cinematic characters such as Leo's unnamed man, the moral and unjustly accused of fascist Harry Callahan, Han Solo, captain left intergalactic, and heartthrobs heartthrob, (anti) hero par excellence of modern cinema and the biggest myth created over the past 25 years, Indiana Jones.

What better example to talk about a hero and his time as the good of Indiana? Subtle mix of characters that Harrison Ford himself had interpreted as the already named Han Solo, but tender chuloplayas something charismatic character in Star Wars robaplanos or post-Lost Ark Rick Deckard, blade runner capable of killing someone from behind if with It gets more money and get work done faster. Indy is the perfect (anti) hero emerged from the minds of two pro cinephiles and jugglers first film as Lucas and Spielberg, especially the first. He also creator of Star Wars is the true architect of the construction of this character mode, although it's ironic considering the outcome, asaltatumbas: a little cynical rogue Bogart The Treasure of Sierra Madre , honesty and courage of Gary Cooper's Bengal Lancers Three or Beau Geste, a little bit of the incredible and exaggerated self Connery's Bond and perhaps a little bit of touch Tintin bookworm. A boring teacher (I've Ever wondered what happens to their students' career should be planned for 10 years) only craves the adventure away from the conventional world, changing tests, secretaries and students fall in love for treasures unimaginable treacherous bad character and damsels in distress more or less, devolving from Marion, drunk and quarrelsome, more comfortable in dress pants, until the third girl Indy, the nymphomaniac of doubtful character Ilsa Schneider, through the pert and somewhat tiresome Willie. This combination was a perfect mixture, as a Quixote eighties, subverting those models they copied and painted with a new ironic twist away from the ideal hero Robin Hood type of Errol Flynn, more in keeping with the period of disenchantment is lived with titles debunkers and disbelievers as Robin and Marian or Excalibur. These were darker and violent than the classic views of the same characters who had become accustomed to the older age groups, forming a breakaway leading business to which the pen of Lawrence Kasdan and his supernatural plots and a spectacular and careful staging of Spielberg knew place in the place it deserved in the first installment of the great archaeologist. And it is precisely where the first part becomes Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade , a title that perfectly exemplifies the star level that reached the character throughout the decade of the 80 that have made him a character that reaches deep into parents and children who share a hobby together, where, unlike the first adventure of Dr. Jones, called Raiders of the Lost Ark , now the character and not the story itself is a reason for the viewer to see the film runs. Pure evasion where the subtext is always present, is buried in bright King Midas planning and charisma of Harrison Ford direct to legend, led by a George Lucas that exploits the reef in a rush, and we are pleased that we do so.

The turning point on this part is, as I said, returning to the origins of all, the return almost unconscious at the beginning of the legend, much of the film, with a structure based on that of the first part, and the character of Indiana Jones himself, who will live a little trip into the past of his memories of the film along with the appearance of Dr. Jones Senior, a wonderful portrayal of a charismatic Sean Connery. And it all starts quite allegorical one of the best and most imaginative sequences of action-comedy trilogy, which is saying a lot seeing sprawl Spielberg talent in the planning of each chase or fight. Although during the trio's previous films skull has deconstructed and demystified the classic hero in various ways (ridiculing and hurting in the fall, in addition to never losing his hat, always placing an X in the place where the treasure is, apart from setting his mouth witty phrases drawn from the best comedies glamorous hollywodienses of the 30 and 40 in their duels with Willie Scott verbose in The Temple of Doom), here show us how this hero is constructed with a miracle of assimilation of the authors and great job of camouflaging of River Phoenix's own character simply an amazing opening sequence that paid tribute openings those James Bond films where the character had not yet fallen into mediocrity, and presenting it as the first: with a clever play of shadows and identities that confuse the viewer with the real Indiana. And is that the self-consciousness sometimes greatness is often a sin that makes movies fall into the complacent vulgarity exploiting the fame of the character or the film. But Spielberg and screenwriter here manages to tell the traumas and weaknesses of the hero while we have that for which it is always remembered: his fedora, his whip and his scar. And also outlines what characterizes him: his sincere philanthropy, its interest in giving people what they deserve, and away from hands that only seek to exploit things for their own benefit, whether economic or to conquer the world. It is the hallmark of Jones, kindness and honesty above anything. But from here, start the torrent of feelings that is the third installment of the adventures of the legendary archaeologist where Templar is the third brother who is given the grail for protection in a superb scene where Donovan given a simple glass of champagne. That's economy of means and narrative maturity.

The great success of this film is it more comedy than action movie, also lowering the tone was darker than reproaches The Temple of Doom. Limiting the importance of the script to a succession of action scenes interlaced with great and unforgettable gags, Spielberg moves away from the supernatural plot in search of the Grail and focuses on the duel, parent-child reunion and the hero's emotional deprivation Jones, a character who had to grow up alone and so, or perhaps because of it, became the self-sufficiency and cynical it is today. Never forget that, although the action is an important part in this modernization of the classic serial adventure film is overflowing with humor and absurdity in what sometimes imperious queen throughout the film, and to be adding to as the series progresses. While the first film had in the film drops its mejors Smite and gags, the second interpretation back to those duels between Cary Grant or Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn with dialogue full of ambiguities and double meanings, and this third foregrounded Odd Couple charged a chemistry reminiscent of that formed by the very Connery and Michael Caine in The Man Who Would Be King , perhaps the most wonderful adventure film classics of cinema history. In a constant tug of war, a succession of hilarious sequences completely take over a plot that turns out to be a mere extension to enable McGuffin dialectic between father and son, sometimes replaced by the also hilarious and some simpleton Marcus, endearing interpretation by Denholm Elliot. McGuffin said only gaining momentum at the end of the tape of Indiana begins to see that the Grail is not more than a metaphor for the search that will serve to meet his father, typically spielbergiana idea because father absence is always a reason appellant in the filmography of the teacher.

And is that the Indiana Jones movies always go further. In the classic adventure film is a treasure sought to speak of ambition, and perhaps that criticism of the ambition of the adventures have also devised by Lucas, as exemplified by the cases of Belloq in part or Elsa Schneider in the third But what stands out is that these virtues are always sacred treasures. Thus, it gives the story an almost spiritual at certain times, making a short analysis of the relationship of man with God and their possible existence, because the trilogy requires practically the belief that there is a superior being, whether called God or demiurge who rules the destinies of the world, and here is used to strengthen (and how) the figure of the father and the son and the exciting Grail and the final test value which is subjected Indiana. But we must not forget that in some movies the McGuffin is no less so, a McGuffin, an excuse used to articulate a great entertainment around her characters very very good and very very ill and whose initial interest is at the expense how to advance the story and, above all, as do the principal for not boring the near absence of a central historical framework, and that's the case of the Indiana Jones movies. Are a continuing comedy-action game where Spielberg gives wings to his impressive talent. In them, creating a spectacular action sequences while the best gags funny wheel of his career and allows the viewer to travel to distant lands, to confront the Nazis and experience firsthand the unbelievable fact that the talent of a good storyteller out its full potential and deliver a complete and unequivocal masterpiece, a copy of that movie is ousted as cinema entertainment must flee those who love arthouse over the pure conception of cinema: entertainment .