Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sample Welcome Address For A Church

Matrix Reloaded: Philosophy, religion, and leather

the record, to me the phenomenon Matrix not caught me in the first instance, all I remember of its release in cinemas here in Spain was that before they put the final trailer for The Phantom Menace, the movie of my desires and the sigh that I had done the summer to view it in September. In fact, I Matrix was the movie that was the uncle of Speed \u200b\u200b, a crappy little film of the summer to hang out, and at that time I really was not too frequent but rarely to the movies, and I can say that until a few years passed I did not bother to see it, but maybe when I laid my eyes on the revolutionary work of the Wachowskis felt that something had broken into the film, and rightly so. The first installment of the series had it all, from a philosophy something cheap but fit like a glove in a work which for many was eminently aesthetic (if not cool for special effects) to an address kept marrying beautifully with the so overused, overrated and ultimately for the viewer, ideological background mixture of Judeo-Christian theological doctrines, philosophy eleventh grade, cyberpunk, comic books and anime, and a sexual fetish for leather to match any kind of sadomasochistic porn movie , increased after the following films, in which the latex charged an unusual prominence in any commercial genre film. It was simply perfect cocktail parties just mixed in with the way speech and never pulled the feet of clay. It's easier now to contemplate the impact occurred, streamline their ideas and analyze errors in the film, yet it is quite difficult to find a movie that, although in the end has been disappointing in its sequels and turned into a mere vehicle resultón special aesthetic effects, if was a schism within the American commercial cinema and the work stood as heir to a masterpiece as Blade Runner. For all this cluster of expectations, Matrix Reloaded failed, the, ultimately, alleged trilogy that wanted to sell us from the beginning, and that was not only a brilliant exploitation of a profitable first part, the lack planning, or rather the exhaustion of ideas, and the redundant presentation of issues, failed to be followed by two sequels empty with a visual coating according to the dialogues that are intended to cover those gaps: baroque mannerist snack philosophy and visual finish , of so bright it was, it was boring.

Matrix in its original concept was so completely revolutionary that it was not anything to tell. That is why we face the great problem of the aftermath: a second part that has to serve as a link between the first and third. The brilliant complexity that carried out the Wachowski brothers of the Spielberg of the philosophers, Plato, and his myth of the cave, was something they ended up going out of hand, and made a film Reloaded redundant, where characters constantly speak of their goals inside and outside the Matrix , and that it lacks an objective to serve as a thread, and how it was explained in the first issue, simpler than many believe. The release of Neo's mind and its conversion into the chosen managed to create a stunning story to the original works. Now comes the moment when Neo must understand what is and why he does things, why he has been given that power and what to do with it, finally lacks plot interest in developing a lightweight, since we only see scenes where the verbiage stands out above anything to, at the end of that scene, we realize that that's what they talked about was just pure linguistic virtuosity to dazzle an audience that probably would not exceed 18 years its opening day, so wrap something as simple as the action-reaction kind of cathartic diatribe that moves the cyber world where all the characters know what they will do the rest, but never know what they want, or should they do, and to ultimately drive film to another action sequence where the camera several minutes slow and boring endless choreography are responsible for delaying the time just to fill 120 minutes of action and quackery governed by the sheer arbitrariness. Pragmatism functionality. There are two words that are not in the dictionary of the brothers (or should I say brother and sister?) Wachowski, because that's what's missing from Matrix Reloaded, is its greatest weakness, know what to expect and what to tell. And, where in the first part had dialogues that advance the plot and did help us understand the mess that the brothers had plotted here only serve to stop the story and exposing the lack of foresight of the writers. The proposed maturity of Neo only be glimpsed in their endless conversations with Oracle, but vital character whose function in this second installment is still trying to find out, and whose appearance is disrupted, obviously, a stunt so big and impressive as incomprehensible and ridiculous.

remember at the time, this second delivery sold us as the greatest story ever told, a film that had cost a bit silly of millions to build a great road for a sequence showy, dramatic and soporific, with special effects that need to surprise some viewers who still drooling with copiadísimo prized and bullet time, and a production design that had little to envy of any big American blockbuster of the 50 and 60. It was perhaps the definitive work of science fiction, Matrix Reloaded film reach the sky and we pave the way for the explosion that was to be Revolutions , and in the end was even worse, more simplified, and almost without that bloated verbiage mind in this second part. Reloaded was all out, a work that marked a before and after, and the grandeur of his epic sank. There is nothing moderate in this work, had money and knew not what to spend, and used to recreate every last corner of that universe was proto-Zion, a city where only messianic are the handsome, muscle, and the most beautiful, those who are able to get to dance irrelevantly after a speech now incredibly pompous Morfeo, rubbing and getting hand while Neo and Trinity wallow in her bed forgetting, perhaps, in less than a day, the machines were destroyed. Who cares? All the money went to the look and did not bother to hire a writer to put some order among so much philosophy of balance and sequence of action, someone who knew how to channel that visual orgy they had in their mind the Wachowskis. The original work spoke of the ability to decide the man, the need to address the destination, to fight the god himself, talked about the gift of the man of feeling, the fatalism of man as creator of his tormentor and his own relationship interdependence with it, remembered by topic to other classics like Invasion of the Body Snatchers bodies, Blade Runner, Metropolis or Planet of the Apes , and was proud and well constructed characters, and here we have a Neo sosainas just lost in the sprawl of ideas about the human condition, an enemy so brilliant in the first part as an antagonist Sith is here only saves cartoonish portrayal of a charismatic Hugo Weaving, a somewhat lost Trinity paste only kicks, and a powerful Morfeo passing of a prophet to cowardly samurai overweight. The Wachowskis do not respect themselves or their work, did not understand that his first film was excellent, they wanted to pursue the issues raised in his first film, a modern cinema masterpiece, and I was able to exploit the option of the goose that lays the golden eggs to turn it into an ode to the spectacular slow and poorly understood that ends up being a constant nonsense that, yes, got all had some Matrix in our homes after an intense marketing.


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