Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mount And Blade Activacion Cod

Top 5: The worst moments of 2009

time doing my list with the best of the past 2009 (yes, in February 2010, I'm that cool) and I thought banging this list with the worst rankings in the past year at film, scenes indents or moments that are simply embarrassing:

- 5: Bye bye, blackbird. Public Enemies has been the biggest disappointment of 2009. I expected a rabid film, angry with life that often has the genius of Michael Mann film. And the Jinn, Michael Mann gives or lime or sand. And Public Enemy not work out. Photo fairly irregular (coming from Dante Spinotti, who scored n before and after with Heat ), a rather simple-minded script, poor performances and direction Mann improper soda, which does not understand or Dillinger fascination in the viewer nor should raise their girlfriend to make him lose his temper. Is irregular, with scenes of high caliber (the appearance of Melvin Purvis is worthy of the best westerns) and some rather bland (less claw shootings of his long career), but ends in the most horrendous and cheesy as possible, apart from unnecessary. After his death, the policeman played by Stephen Lang will see Marion Cotillard's character and says the last words Dillinger dying. Pasteleo unnecessary and further lower the level of the tape.

- 4: The Watchmen powder. The adaptation of Alan Moore's magnum opus carried out by Zack Snyder has gone unnoticed by the screens, I think due to the limited capacity of the public to cope with nearly 3 hours without action. I think, without being at the level of the novel was adapted more than remarkable, but that has more than enough moments of pure visual pleasure from the slow motion for the good of Zack. This is one of them. After understanding the reason for his impotence, the need to be a hero (Like a drug, dammit), Nite Owl is celebrating sticking a roll (finally) with Silk Spectre on the floor of Archie, his ship. The problem comes when Snyder wants to give a touch ironic use the Hallelujah by Leonard Cohen. View Malin Akerman's ass bouncing back and this song gives everything a touch too embarrassing and kitsch.

- 3: The bizarre alien dust Avatar . In the epic epic and messianic (Ha!) Cameron's all very original. There is nothing worthwhile beyond visual effects look amazing. And it is, along with Public Enemy , the great bluff of the year. Not only because story is not original, that every day matters less in the film, but because everything is too much notice of towels. The characters are robots with no soul, and the relationship between Jake and Neitiry Sully comes to resemble that of suspiciously Twilight (we are from two different worlds, you're a boy different from the rest and do not accept you into my world with magic duentes Indians like too ...) and the Disney treatment in all of history is really embarrassing. Those looks breeds that have the same sexual tension that Hannah Montana, these misunderstandings and friction with the same evil mistimed a Jonas Brothers concert, culminating in a ridiculous and supercoreografiado powder among trees with lights, that seems to lead to Pocahontas to The Lion King ("the night of love ...") and suspiciously (and this I think was the one who was surprised at all the movies, because I yell at through the projection), after an ellipsis pseudopoética to Excalibur, the brilliant adaptation of the Arthurian myth of Boorman, because when both are raised are exactly the same position and stuck to the same environment in which King Arthur catches Geneva with Lancelot. Cameron, cheesy and plagiarist.

- 2: stay with the alleged sexual tension of the scene in the rain in Terminator Salvation. This film should be put in schools film, is perfect for learning to make movies: they never do as here. Beginner failures in all aspects, no single one is saved from special effects to the script, going through a ridiculous address (introduces the characters, PIECE OF USELESS!) That crowns this nonsense of $ 200 million. Probably within expectations could generate the greatest stupidity of 2009 is for the adventures of John Connor uncharismatic. The scene to which I refer is that in the days before, was touted as an erotic piece magnetic. When you see it's hard not to laugh. We plant with the protagonist, Sam Worthington handle, and guapita of the film, such a Moon Bloodgood (what a name, parents hippies sure), that have fewer chemicals that Arafat and Sharon, in a scene where, suddenly, in a post-apocalyptic world arid ( dry as a nun's funny as they say in Australia) starts to rain (yes, the fire is not quenched) and she irrelevantly, while Sam finds the good around absorbed in his world starts to get goofy and I still wonder why, he removes his shirt and begins to look at him in a lascivious plan "I'm here, ropes, it entirely pa ti" while the good cyborg it happens fairly funny. And I wonder, as an amateur writer, why is it that keeps sexual tension should be between two people? Why is not he who looks at her while pulling off surprises behind the shirt, instead of staying absotro looking car chassis traps? More importantly, why she removes his shirt and bra in the middle of a rain of three pairs of balls? In the end, of course, he ends up looking, but most expensive "walk daughter, dress you'll catch pneumonia" that a builder during business hours.

- 1: Bruno him to suck the ghost of one of Milly Vanilly. Bruno is a bad movie, talk to whites, only contains a few funny points (in fact, really funny), but the rest of the film constantly skirts bad taste and at certain times it reaches. Eschatology cheap, boorish humor as could be, points that come to be offensive so obvious and stupid they are, and having their summit here, in their eagerness to become famous, Bruno goes to see a medium and this gives the opportunity to speak with one of Milly Vanilly, former lover of the reporter. The result, the most grotesque and disgraceful scene I have seen just this year. If Baron Cohen wants to be eschatological, as English is, it should look a few times Little Britain , you would get much more juice to their ideas. (Sorry for the quality you get lost ... but not much)


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