Sunday, May 30, 2010

Doushinji Palletshipping

CRAZY the birth of the Messiah pop



YEAR 2005 DURATION 127 min. Canada

COUNTRY DIRECTOR Jean-Marc Vallée Jean-Marc
SCRIPT Vallée, François Boulay
Michel Côté, Danielle Proulx, Marc-André Grondin, Émile Vallée
PRODUCER Cirrus Communications / Crazy Films Jean

Marc Vallée, debutant director, surprised and strangers performing one of the most renowned films in 2005 with CRAZY swept the awards of the Canadian film and spend a significant amount earned in the international market also to be unanimously praised by critics, coming to be regarded as the revelation of the season movie. It tells the relationship of Zac, a special child since birth, who possesses a kind of healing gift and a special sensitivity to his family, especially her father, a homophobe frightened by the idea that your child may be homosexual. As a curiosity, and matching the title of the song that marks the protagonist's relationship with his father (Crazy, Patsy Cline), the name of the movie is an acronym that contains the first letter of the name of Zac and his own Brothers in the respective order of birth: C hristian, R Aymond ntonine A, Z ac e And van.

generational change since Nicholas Ray
revolutionize the cinema in 1955 (along with Rossellini's Viaggio in Italia which pledged his life on screen played by the always excellent George Sanders) with the premiere of Rebel Without cause, envejecidísima film chronicling the experiences of an outsider unable to adapt to the American way of life of the 50's, we have seen thousands of times in movies the eternal parent-child conflict, the destruction of the bonding involved belong to two different worlds marked simply by the difference old. Provided, of course, located in adolescence, perhaps the most contentious stage in the life of a person, where you decide what kind of social member will be. In CRAZY , Vallée presents an interesting if uneven cool Canadian company called Quiet Revolution, when Quebec was carried out a drastic decline of religious influence in society. A country that changed in a rush and that topics about yourself social identity, cultural and religious. Beaulieu family, a figure somewhat Fordist group for their social function (and metonymy) for Canada, is always present and we will serve as a guide and introduction into the world apparently unknown to non-Canadian viewers. Subtle ways, using Christmas as a leitmotiv, placing the birth of the young Zac such an important day in the West and is on 24 December, we have cast the first goal. From that moment, the star symbolize an entire country, or rather, an entire generation that needed (and brought) the change.

Music is the soul of this generational change. The powerful soundtrack is used in an exemplary way to narrate a period of 20 years in the life of this particular family. A bit like Martin Scorsese, who has always used music to propose temporary jumps ellipsis and distinction. We found three very different phases: childhood, security, under the command and the parental control, in which we listen to Patsy Cline, Buddy Rich, Charles Aznavour, music that, to this day (and the 60 full revolution in pop as well), could be considered "old." A time full of poetic moments like those car rides with his head out, chips, holiday gifts, and other less pleasant, and small blame or the boring masses. But the house is a safe place (where for you, be ladybug is just something that should not be, without knowing the reality of the term), so when of child wets the bed, her mother runs to their aid soon, and when you go to camp, the children will drown by being unable to control. Patriarchy is always present on the players, the strong presence of paterfamilias comes out from that Zac has a word. The concerns of this for your child's sexuality, favoritism of this until it begins to emerge the "sensitivity" of Zac, these holidays are marked by the karaoke that is mounted Aznavour playing father (always a popular request, as jokes Gervais). Especially significant is the "sacrifice" of the protagonist to break the record of Patsy Cline will cause a schism with the father. He, thinking that will solve it, gives his father the same disk but in the Canadian edition, trying to correct the error, but for the father, even with the same songs, the same letters, "does not sound the same." Zac is that record that his father did not want to hear.

Later, in the seventies, when the son has decided to dethrone god belief to put rock stars in the altar, Bowie, Pink Floyd or the Stones take the soundtrack. Traditional iconography is cracking and replaced by secular deities, just as in the Mass, Psalms Zac does not listen, if not a choral version of Sympathy for the Devil. Birth of the Counterculture, Dies convention. This version teen decorate their bedroom (he now shares with his new little brother) and his own world, with patterns reminiscent of the masterful cover Dark Side of the Moon Pink Floyd and pictures of David Bowie, the new god previously referred to. A world away in her home, and to highlight that, at any given time we see him singing Space Oddity , whose lyrics have some resemblance to their adolescent feelings. And once that Zac's character seems to have matured, having left behind his homosexuality, but at the same time with his family dead, punk and electronic music are displayed as a symbol of the maturity of rupture, as was said movement within the rock. Although like everything in that time, illustrating the time of confusion and self-destruction of the main character, its identity lost in a constantly changing musical tastes, social and even their own aesthetic. The total rejection of the family and the rules imposed. Zac now seems a kind of Sid Vicious goes around and goes to her ball. Although here we have a little time Magdalena de Proust at the wedding of eldest brother. When Zac's cousin appears with her boyfriend, dancer attracts Zac, hear Brother Louie Stories before it, as in the 70, everything is broken and the problems teens about homosexuality out again.

The reverse in the mirror

CRAZY talk about identity, either a country or a person. And is the point around which everything revolves, using, as I have said, the music. But the final aspect that helps to shape (and destroy, all at the same time) Zac's personality is the presence of religion in his life, the assimilation of either dogmatic values \u200b\u200bencoded within the Christian tradition to end away from the official version end up being a simple matter of faith, man with God without church involved. The film is full of biblical references, as the ratio of Zac Cain and Raymond, "my greatest enemy ", but the most important refers to the messianic qualities of the protagonist. Because Zac is a character counter. Zac has asthma, but smoke. Zac does not believe in God, but prays. Zac is gay but sleeps with women by mere appearance. We reemphasize the drawing room Zac: the cover of Dark Side of the Moon , and beside it, a mirror in which we see the true face of our anti-hero. We as viewers we are only that we are aware of that omniscient view, because the boy's personality is extremely multifaceted, changing depending on who you are. But perhaps I should say the apparent real face, because if something leaves the film is free to interpretation. Hence the comparison to Jesus is quite accurate. As shown in the aforementioned scene of Patsy Cline album. We are never told it was him, but Zac takes the blame because it is their mission, the mission of the messiah of the Beaulieu family. Roasted like family to heal all because his mother asked. Therefore, to get the family is at peace, chooses to waive its condition creates a make-e (like Bowie) to be who is not. All for the family benefit, the father's joy. And in fact, that is, when the Christmas dinner for 80 runs in total harmony with father and son together as never before appearing again the issue of homosexuality. Thus, together with the fatal destiny of the wayward brother, this is a character set for a denouement worthy of the purest Greek tragedy. It's a shame that the movie madness and end up as a psychotropic trip to the back of your mind, because the idea of \u200b\u200bJerusalem with the lover almost identical to our standard vision of Jesus Christ, is not all bad, but too much dream time and conjunctions and miraculous coincidences subtracted more they bring, and are somewhat tiresome, as they repeat the same idea over on sensory and telepathic connection between mother and child, and we say, are somewhat ridiculous.

But despite its virtues, is irregular. No longer the indie film classic with all their tics and foibles clearly marked, from aesthetic abuse ellipses and an overburdened forced use of music, always seeking the most beautiful possible at the expense of an asceticism which, at times, are the best film. That mannerism, the baroque visual destroy the dramatic force as obtained based on the family tradition in daily scenes. When you leave the camera Vallée stand and let those who speak are the wonderful actors, the film grows in surprising ways. Michel Coté as the overbearing father gives lessons interpretation, and the times when everything works smoothly at the moment we have priceless sequence. The scene in the bathroom where the couple talks about her son, shot in a single plane, is something close to magic, to the everyday trapped in a frame. That sobriety, joined the expressive use of colors and shapes give these segments calmer certain postmodern touches of melodrama of Douglas Sirk. But when Canadian filmmaker decides to strike at the table and say "this is signed by an author" thing gets out of hand. The redundancy of slow motion to highlight the seriousness of a scene, the search constanre epic drama and forced at the end, if you do not worsen outcome global. They usually coincide with the looks now inside Zac introspective and subjective view of the world, how he addresses the situation. As the antithesis of the bath scene is the Christmas dinner, and in the 80's. It's all going well, conventionally and smoothly, the Christian wedding reaffirms this traditionalism, until the outbreak of conflict situation and drugs and homosexuality represented Raymond and Zac respectively. An outstanding piece to that Vallée's not enough to put their players to play. He, like metteur en scene, has to make their mark. We must not go like a bull in a china shop to show the hardness y la gravedad de una situación, hay más opciones además de la cámara lenta y a la música reventando tímpanos. Pregúntenle a un tal Clint Eastwood.


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