Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wella Kolestone Color Chart

Special Rapporteur of the UN Urges Legalizing Marijuana

Legalizing marijuana use is the right strategy to be followed by governments to control violence, human rights violations and corruption arising drug trafficking, said today a UN expert.

'will not be easy to convince the public of the benefits of legalization of marijuana in the world, but is an issue that should be encouraged. The cost of not doing so is very high in terms of human lives, "said Anand Grover, UN special rapporteur for the right to health.

In an interview with Notimex, the expert said the possibility that the upcoming November 2, citizens of California choose to decriminalize marijuana use is "a step in the right way."

'The only people who benefit from the ban, are the criminals ", said the special rapporteur.

Grover, attorney for the Supreme Court of India, must periodically submit a report on its activities to the UN General Assembly as an independent expert to make recommendations to Member States to delineate policy.

Rapporteur's opinion is one of the different views within the UN system on the best existing way to control drugs and their negative impact on the world.

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), said that the drug should be pursued and strengthened law enforcement against this crime.

Grover, however, is among the UN agencies that advocate an approach that is high on the drug control strategies to respect human rights and access to health services.

The expert noted that Portugal has successfully decriminalized marijuana use, which did not entail an increase in crime rates nor in the consumption of this substance.

'Criminalization leaves no benefit to society. And it costs a lot in terms of human lives, human rights and corruption in the government, "said Grover.

The lawyer also mentioned that the prohibition of marijuana is based on criteria very questionable, that have no basis in any clear evidence of its damages.



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