Global Marijuana March in Ecuador
New date for referendum: Saturday April 23, 2011 10H00Parque of La Carolina off the Amazon PapaAv Cross ... ... Saturday April 23 2011Quito, Ecuador
"A fight for our rights"
The "Global Marijuana March (GMM)" also known as the Global Marijuana March (MMM) was made since 1999 on the first Saturday of May each year, simultaneously in cities around the world.
Make clear the number of consumers to end the discrimination, persecution and criminalization, demand for the decriminalization of possession for consumption, medicinal uses and self-cultivation.
* For the legalization of cultivation and possession for consumption.
* On the right of patients to choose the best medicine.
* For a national public health plan, universal and free.
* By the end of compulsory admissions and violent.
* By creating prevention campaigns and harm reduction.
* And above all, for a drug law just, humane and effective.
We invite you to read some articles on attachments for greater acculturation links on the subject, and will help us with more information and input.
Because we do not distinguish sexes, races, cultures, beliefs, religions, any kind of social strato, enfermades, ability or disability, nationality, any kind of social stratification, or that which divides us and makes us individuals, we are all one , and one is part of all.
invite all who wish to participate actively and peacefully, to contribute their own way, bring signs, music, bands, any initiative is welcome.
Ecuador prepares a reform 'integral' over drug law.
"Jose Serrano said that in order to achieve effective reform debate that legislation on drugs with attention to human rights and more effective tools, it is necessary to depart from arguments" moral "and reduction of the drug as a problem "insecurity". "
New Constitution, Article 364:
" Addictions are a public health problem. The State is responsible developing co-ordinated information, prevention and control of alcohol consumption, snuff and narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as providing treatment and rehabilitation to occasional users, regular and problematic. Under no circumstances will its criminalization or violate their constitutional rights. "
Ecuador has one of the strictest drug laws in the hemisphere. A person who commits nonviolent drug offenses may even receive the same sentence as a murderer, and in some cases even higher.
invite all kinds of social, public, non-profit, NGOs, artists, musicians, artisans, jugglers, merchants, consumers, general public, a day where we can demonstrate that those who consume cannabis are not criminals, we do not do any harm to anyone, and as all living beings deserve freedom and respect for our rights, we do not seek conflict, we set no wars, no traffic, so we looked for a fairer law for all, where a plant does not deserve to be punished, much less criminalized consumers.
THEN DO NOT THINK THE PORRO MAS WHEEL .. Tell everyone ... .. Planters, smoking cannabis and scholars, friends of Mary, lovers of freedom, culture, life, non-smokers tolerant, supportive of civil rights forever postponed on behalf of the war. The war against terrorism, the war against drugs, enemy of hypocrisy, double standards, poor milk ... The peaceful and democratic coexistence with marijuana flower ... Today, smoking marijuana as part of the customs of
different meanings and groups of people in our society. Engage in a policy that denies reality to defend particular moral values \u200b\u200b(no doubt good, but not more than others living in our pluralistic society) is not only useless, but counterproductive and unwise. It is useless, because the prohibition has failed miserably in the light of the huge boom consumption. It is counterproductive, because it is obvious that most health problems, family, social justice and drugs are directly related to the adverse effects of the prohibitionist policy. And it is unwise from the point of view of stability of the system: corporations are more controllable on the basis of a social consensus where formal laws and informal behavior of its citizens (and customs) are more consistent. Otherwise, conflict, lack of respect for moral values \u200b\u200bthat society wants to be, will be daily attitudes and our communities end up hopelessly fractured between prohibitionist and anti-prohibitionist.
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