Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Working For Disney In Canada

The Way Back: The eternal return

is quite difficult to find a place in the current billboard for a movie like The Way Back . As the actors find oasis in the middle of nowhere, "a miracle" in the words of one of them, the new film by Peter Weir is one of those jobs that easily, place the little sign of rare bird by be in the wrong place at the wrong stage. And, in modern times, it is understood as adventure film is the opposite of what has always been told, especially in the American film studies. One of the supreme genera, either in its aspects of swords, colonial adventure, pirates bildungsroman or pulling over to the adventurous theme always used to say something. Huston was The Treasure of Sierra Madre to talk about ambition, William Wellman told us in Beau Geste the fate of three brothers who decide to stay together for the family honor and Victor Fleming suited to Kipling's Captains Courageous for talk about a boy who had everything but a father.

is, as the great genre that is, with the western or noir, aesthetics, its clichés, its rules, have been always at the service of a fund, a subtext present in history, either on pirates on two adventurers are directed to the most remote place on earth to be kings of Kafiristan. And therein lies the anachronism of this magnificent old-tasting product. For adventure it today to see a pirate mannered, funny at first, but tiresome in the end, do all sorts of trifles, or variant vase see actors like Penelope Cruz, Matthew Maconagiu (or how the hell is written) and Kate Hudson go the world for nothing more than them out on a couple of scenes wet by sea or taking off his shirt, accompanied by a couple of explosions and gunfire, so the audience feels it has spread pay admission. But Weir, as the wise and veteran filmmaker who is, again risking and make a product out of complacency, a rambling pace and unkind history.

And, as it did 7 years ago with his latest masterpiece, Master & Commander , the Australian filmmaker chooses to address a classic story from a conventional view, if by conventional mean a sober narrative, where story is told with honesty, greatness is pumped via anamorphic. Weir does not deal at any time to innovate or to lay the foundations for a new film industry and used kneaded enough. On the contrary, reaffirming itself as one of the last classic living, seems to blow up the modern conception of this kind of film back to style that died back in the 80's, when David Lean made his last job. Popping away from the video clip and rapid assembly, and introducing life characters that could be considered even by its construction almost archetypal symbolic and somewhat anti-thematic, rise above the lifeless puppets are used to seeing in recent times . Because, Reusing director Brief Encounter as a reference, Weir plunges fully into the psyche of their characters, dealing, subtly, different points of view upon a time the world already extinct, and using the assembly to delay the lead time and tedium while spectators and characters.

Because, as the genius Fincher on Zodiac , which used the absence of target in the second part of his masterful fresco on the 70 to bring the characters wandering back and forth for an hour and a quarter of footage in which the thing was not moving, the director of Gallipoli seems to follow. Decision may cause a stir, especially taking into account that in an adventure movie should prevail, almost always, the pace of the narrative. But, as he says in an interview, to carry out a film like The Way back need a lot of experience, and where any novice hired by the studios had stumbled, Weir making clear the proposal wins: viewers must feel so desolate and lacking in direction as the players who travel halfway around the world seeking freedom. Because yes, they have a destination, each and every one of them seek to escape from the gulag and go home (if, all of them outcasts, still lost), but the road is to walk and walk and walk without more rest the obligatory stops in search of food, in most cases non-existent. Choose antiépica epic, showing that any other film would eliminate the ellipsis, remembering the remarkable and now forgotten film of Andre de Toth Play Dirty, which narrated every little step mercenaries in the deserts of North Africa in World War II, playing with time and space as key elements in the retraro of the protagonists, all on an ascetic and thorough. Therefore, the total absence of spectacular eliminates any hint of action, and solving the scenes more "commercial" (ie, by trade a scene of "action") to how Lean resolve the battle of Aqaba with a clear view into the canyon useless: a sandstorm is resolved with just three planes.

For this, the author does not fear, clearly inspired by David Lean, to move from ornate and beautiful landscape shots showing most beautiful nature that have been seen in the movies in years, a narrow and violent close-ups showing the road markings in the form of wounds and scabs. Pan and smooth tracking shots are used to describe the locations, placing us in the enormity of space and playing with narrative scenarios with a portentous language. As Lawrence of Arabia as Doctor Zhivago as The Bridge on the River Kwai . The landscape, the place where the action takes place, is a character, and it shows the director. In contrast, and making a sort of division within the tape in the gulag-style implementation becomes almost more psychological, closing environment is oppressive and constantly playing with close-ups, and describing each and every one of his characters with a couple of strokes, provided visual: the kind Janusz, the pragmatic "Mister", the killing of a criminal Valka vest the funny Zoran. That shows us perfectly, which tells the sheriff to reach all the prisoners, who wants to find escape death, but the jail is not the bars, no barbed wires, not even the guards. It is the nature, the tiny huts where dozens of prisoners are crowded, narrow aisles mine ... the gulag of Siberia is worse than death. Of note, therefore, a wonderful picture of Russell Boyd, oblivious to the current fashions in blue and orange, and opting for raw ocher and to illustrate the eternal return of the protagonists.

The other major aspect, in addition to grancia of staging, is the psychological study conducted by the characters. And here is where the radical adventure reappears to open grave. Each representing a different nation, and each has a different ideology and ideology. But beware, do not deal with the classic film which gathers all the topics of the population (the religious fanatic, the funny black, rich heartless whore kind ...) because Weir is not interested Whites and blacks do not want to show the basic vision. In his idea of \u200b\u200bshowing the full range of possible gray, each character has two faces: Janusz was unjustly betrayed by his wife, but his kindness makes you want to go home and forgive, "Mister", played by an excellent Ed Harris, is an American who never forgive the death of his son, which is blamed for having brought to Russia, Irena wants to hide his humble origins and pretends to be an aristocrat to his fellow travelers think they can be trusted, assuming that the noble are good and honest, and then there's Valka, a contradiction in itself, a thief and murderer who does not hesitate to take Stalin and Lenin tattooed on his chest and say they are great men. The ignorance is the breeding ground of dictatorships, and Peter Weir gives a brushstroke on this issue with the character of the criminal, unable to leave the USSR because he can not be free, loves repression. It is the only one of the players already at home because the rest follows their odyssey through hell turned into desert, a kind of purgatory where they unfairly pay their sins.

And, for continuing political thought of the movie, you have to talk about a filmmaker's anti-touch. But do not misunderstand me. Weir does not seek to carry out a far-right pamphlet or anything like that. His film is an ode to freedom and as such, would be stupid to fall into such Manichaeism. As The Truman Show, the Australian filmmaker shows a character at the mercy of a world that does not understand, and even less can handle, gripped by a demiurge who pulls the strings. Misplaced beings in a place that seems to reject them. Because when they come to Mongolia in the hope that they're safe, realize that Soviet Communism has come to Asia as they were in a prison in the ass in the world. They are people almost from another era, lost in a sea. And communism showing Weir is a corrupt party, dirty, suspicious, violent, who made and unmade in several countries at will, either Latvia, Poland and Yugoslavia. As proof of this, the chilling scene in which Irene Voss and enter a Buddhist monastery and he, seeing the skulls pierced by bullets of the monks, he tells his dark secret result of the entry of the Soviets in his country. That is, directly attacks the communist Weir not for their political views, but for their atrocities and brutalities committed during decades, both killing and imprisoning someone for something as harmless as taking a picture of Red Square.


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