Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gay Cruining In Ontario


"Camins" is the first cd signing the Catalan pianist Albert Caire, a record that has all the influences that have surrounded and Albert surrounding both its educational and artistic side.
Born in Hospitalet de Llobregat, in this Caire disc plays jazz, funk and soul in nine compositions that demonstrate the confidence that this pianist has his own music.
"Camins", as indicated by the very title and its author says, is a collection of sensations, experiences that mark the evolution of the music here holds . It is music that involves change and merger, which roams styles common to all without making large experiments, a music smooth and easy listening style that borders on jazz smooht fields. Among the influences
himself stresses are Caires keyboard masters as Herbie Hancock or Chick Corea or groups such as the Yellow Jackets, and the truth is that all this is in this form or gives ending with na recording vital and energetic, full of joy .
For this important occasion Albert Caire has created his own quintet which are musicians like Albert Vila on guitar, sax Bendicho Alberto, Jaime Duran on bass and Oriol Roca on drums that complement the work at the piano, recreating the group leader compositions with seamless elegance.
From the tranquility that prevails in the first two pieces "Cami" and "Son de Vi" to the agitation of the more urban "Via Laietana," Profunk Nations "or" Cava Plast "an arc of feelings goes this album that we hope to publicize the work of this musician and widen their horizons of influence.

I. Ortega

Label: Rosazul
Distributor: Rosazul
Year: 2010
Musicians: Albert Caire (piano), Albert Vila (guitar), Alberto Bendicho (tenor sax), Oriol Roca (drums), Jaume Duran (bass)
Style: Smooth Jazz

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