Today I upload an interview against the newspaper La Vanguardia
"The part is converted into a physiological acto acto unhappy"
Marta Espar , parturienta it knows that all happy birth
Tengo 41 años. Nation in vivo in Barcelona and Masnou. Soy journalist and psychologist. Estoy married I have two children, Judith (7) and Guillem (4). . . Ariadna born now! I believe in freedom and information. He believed in God. . . And today I believe in doubt. I advocate the gentle birth. When is all?
In ten days. How are you? I was never so quiet!
is not their first birth ... .. It is the third, but the first which has comprehensive information. And I know I'm in good hands.
Was it not so in the previous two?
No! Deliveries were technological, ie highly medicalized births.
What's wrong? That the mother is treated like a child, not informed of what they do not respect him, as if suddenly silly.
Are so most deliveries today? In Spain, yes. Childbirth is a physiological event ... we have become somewhat contrived, complicated, medicalized ... an unhappy experience for Women!
20 years ago, the WHO warns that European countries such as Spain have medical interventions in childbirth excessive, unnecessary, unjustified .., and risky.
The inoculation of oxytocin and epidural, the practice of episiotomy and caesarean section, use of forceps and suction ...
Episiotomy-a cut in the perineum, is necessary only in 10% -30% of cases .., but is practiced by 73% of women giving birth!
By inertia, despite scientific evidence: no protective effect against the tear. And what is unpleasant and uncomfortable for the woman! Some were ruined sex life for months ... Not to mention the cesarean ...
Yes caesarean section is indicated only 15% of all births, but in Catalunya is applied in 23% of public clinics ... and 40% of private clinics!
For the false belief that perinatal greater security. On the contrary!: Mother bedridden days, may suffer post-traumatic stress, her baby does not receive the microbial immunity provides pass through the vagina ... The cesarean birth statistics are suffering-and-more allergies and asthma ...
A birth hurts .. but it's nothing that a woman can not cope! Medicine is welcome to complement the physiological birth .., but not if you deleted!
the mother not to stretch his back, immobilized, their contractions monitored ... So slow down ... so we put Pitocin drip ... ... generated by sharp contractions that cause suffering to the fetus ... and that lead women to request epidural ... it numbs the baby at birth, which will cost much suck ...
Yes, I have described the birth technology: the one I lived in my first two children, including the use of forceps, with a stick breaking the amniotic sac ... all unnecessary! For
also called "gentle birth" means the woman seeking the most comfortable position to push and bear: standing, kneeling, squatting, leaning on birthing chair, on all fours ...
is not immobilized, can move freely, can take a shower or hot bath ... that stimulates normal contractions, dilates well ... and puja, and the husband came and cut the cord when it stops beating.
epidural in 90% of deliveries ... when really necessary only in 55%. Natural hormones are analgesic. And no medical need: sufficient well-trained midwives to give encouragement emotional warmth, massage ...
Keep pumping oxygen for a while, it helps the baby breathe: wait before cutting. And nothing to clean the greasers that covers baby's skin, called vernix caseosa.
Protects baby's skin from dermatitis and allergies. Leave it to my daughter, until your skin absorbs it. And ask you to immediately put me on the abdomen, your contact will raise milk me before. And after an hour and a half, the smell of my nipple will be guided to, and should be fed easily be grasped. And I will give breastfed for six months.
Now, Britain and the Nordic countries, where deliveries conform to the latest scientific evidence, are physiological, medical technology in the background.
An intimate space, with the company desired, with soft lighting, soothing music with a choice ... Will we
I trust it because the physiological birth also more happy, it's cheaper, shorter hospitalization, less instrumental ... So it will be easier to spread on our public system than in private.
respect to women, give all the information accurate and that you choose: it is inconsistent with feminist progress in the throes of birth crucial to give my body to a doctor that I do everything without me no say.
cesarean Plague
Increasingly women feel that they have hijacked a act of which were active players for millennia: the birth. An act for which we all agreed, and during the twentieth century has been gradually hijacked by technomedicine, with the best intentions. But today many women want to restore dignity and emotional intensity of that experience foundation of human existence. Therefore it is very valuable work "The secret of a happy birth '(Grijalbo) /' Els secrets d'un part happiness' (Pagès), Marta Espar: clarifies what science says today, as it is better to have sex until delivery, or (Odent) caesarean section leaves a footprint that is born of insecurity ...
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