Monday, May 9, 2011

Delayed Period With Clear Mucus

Learning to learn

I leave a video about the process of learning to learn. The educator as that which accompanies and helps to awaken the interest and the interests of others.

see if you like.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Addiction To Lidocaine

What better place to be a mother? An alternative preschool

Today I leave you an interesting article from Save the Children. Further information available at the

¿Cual is the best place in the world to be mother?

We present the Report on the State of the World Mothers 2011, in which Norway ranks first Updated Afghanistan and the worst. Spain, for its part, is at number 12, an enzyme with respect for Puesto the previous year.

03/05/2011. Norway, Australia and Iceland are the best places in the world to be a mother, according to the twelfth report on the World of Mothers we present today. The report discusses the best and worst places to be a mother in terms of factors related to educational status, economic, and political health of mothers, as well as the basic welfare of their children. Eight of the ten leading countries in the ranking are in Europe, while eight of the ten worst countries to be mother are in sub-Saharan Africa.

Afghanistan is the latest in a list of 164 countries surveyed, where two of every five children are malnourished and one in five dies before its fifth birthday. Afghan women have on average less than five years of schooling and life expectancy is 45 years. In Norway, 1 in every 333 children dies before age five and women who have a life expectancy of 83 years, usually ending 18 years of schooling.

Spain occupies the twelfth place, one place above with respect to last year, down from France and Germany over the United Kingdom and Switzerland. Spain has a high female life expectancy - 84 years similar to Italy and Switzerland and is only surpassed by France and Japan and a mortality rate of children under five years of 4 per 1,000.

Regarding political participation, Spain has 34% of seats held by women - 3 points less than last year. Women earn 0.52 cents for every dollar earned by men and our country is still below other European countries in terms of duration of maternity leave to 16 weeks, lower than countries like Britain and Denmark with 52 weeks or Italy with 20.

If we focus on the welfare of children, Sweden is placed Somalia first and last a list of 168 countries. While virtually all Swedish children enjoy good health and education, in Somalia one of every six dies before their fifth birthday. Spain is also dealing in the twelfth place ranking, down from over Slovenia and Portugal.

"Most of the deaths of children and their mothers could be avoided by extending the coverage of basic health services and the number of local health workers. It is necessary for citizens to lobby their governments to increase funding for health mother and child in developing countries, "said Yolanda Roman, Head of Advocacy. "It is imperative that world leaders keep their commitments to achieve the Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 relating to maternal and child health and the developing countries to support local health workers and invest in their training," Roman added.

Country Comparison:

• In Afghanistan there are only qualified medical personnel present in 14% of all births, while in Norway, almost all births are such assistance.

• Life expectancy for women in Afghanistan is 45 years, while Japan is 87.

• In Afghanistan, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen, women earn 25 cents or less for every dollar earned by men. In Mozambique is 90 cents on the dollar.

• In Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the Solomon Islands women do not hold or a seat in parliament, while in Rwanda more than half are women.

• In Somalia only 1% of women use birth control while in Norway the percentage is 82%.

• In Somalia women are less than two years of education while in Australia or New Zealand the average years of education women receive is 20.

The importance of investing in maternal and child health-

This twelfth report on the World of Mothers, we have assembled some of the major academic and political voices, and Bingu wa Mutharika, President of Malawi, the healthcare and research, and Carlos Gonzalez and Clara Menéndez, and the world of literature and the arts, like Soledad Puértolas or Jennifer Garner, to call attention to the need for governments to continue investing in health programs mother and child, as well as the importance of practices such as breastfeeding.

"Breastfeeding is saving every year six million lives and could save at least a million more if it became widespread breastfeeding until at least two years [...] Breastfeeding is one of the sacrifices we make to prolong life, but one of the reasons why we want to live. It is not a means to an end, but an end in itself, "said Carlos Gonzalez, a pediatrician and founder of the SAPTA in his essay on Breastfeeding set out in the report.

The report identifies those countries that have lagged behind in the fight to save lives of mothers and children. Also shows that solutions exist under Cost of efectivas and that I can face even in the countries most economically poor of the world.

Chinese Train Groping

Following article yesterday that explained a situation that saw the EB in my town came to me after the news program that will spend today Gran Angular La2 TVE.

is a reporatge on what is called free schools where parents are involved (more than usual) in projete educational school.

The problem with these projects is that there are few and almost all of Barcelona and if you want to create a need to find who done it (as I start one!).

Well, as all things are good and less good things.

Click the link: An alternative preschool

Monday, May 2, 2011

Necklaces For Sweetheart Neckline


Now is the time when nurseries are open, namely, that parents can go to visit the school to know it, know what to do, as they do and how much expense. In our house, long since we clearly do not want to take our daughter to nursery school but the other day that there were day visit to meet the EB of our people there wanted to go. I am not clear why, maybe find something that made me change my mind and wanted to gossip if I could take ideas ... the question is to go there.

classes I found small, very small (and I recognized educator) groups were 20 children with two teachers (but when the teacher told me the times, there were times when there was only one) I watch the draft (well, I noted that of 38 sites, 23 were of personnel management, organization, schedules ... and the rest were 3 proposals for activities within the section annex), ... Looking

me "project" more closely I saw that one of the main activities and cross-school work was of emotions. Wow! Interesting! I started reading and one of the proposals was that every day in the class would get a circle and pass the mascot of the classroom and he would kiss or a hug. What?! And it is more interesting than making a companion of the circle, for example?

So far, however, not expecting anything much different, nor do they change the weight balance.

The final point was today when three teachers (two teachers and deduce an assistant) are out for a stroll with the kids (were painted to be P1) to a field next to my house or aufals herbs (do not know) up to half a meter and poppies. I guess the purpose of picking flowers and enjoying a bit of nature. Good idea. The problem is that since children have entered the field the tears have not stopped (clearly not surprise me because they came herbotes neck!). And when a child could not go (he wanted, according to teachers) to move and could not stop crying.
I have become very nervous. They were 15 minutes (not exaggerating because I calculated) of a child a year and a half (as much) crying in the middle of a field with some ladies (sorry I can not say in edcadores this case) telling them to go to about 3, 5, 10 feet gradually (as if that motivates him to go there) until there was a time that saw neither! (The typical technique of whether to leave hateful or rather, the quit- come). Finally when I already was going to go out, take the child, put me in the neck, hugging him hard and tell: - small, quiet, we're off the field. I let him go to the lady: - excuse me, I do not see that this child does not want to be here?, Then the lady has been brought back to small (without entering the camp, lest you feel like you took get the child to the neck and remove it!) and he said: "bird come! and small (while crying in no time) finished out getting a: - Very Good! We could see how!?.

Please! I do not know that this child has learned or that they wanted to learn his "educator," I do know is that Our daughter did not learn anything that way!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tamil Kavithai In Marriage Invitations

Grow Your Rights March

Farewell Sayings For Cakes

Harvest Festival Concepcion

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wording For Engagement Congratulation

Maternity Clinic at the Maternity Clinic 1 2

you upload the second part of that report issued this week on the program lines between the parties to the Maternity Clinic. Here


the Maternity Clinic (2nd part)

Apa, salut!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How To Take Out Post Earrings

you upload the link between news of Porgama lines last week when explaining a natural part developed at the Hospital Clinic of Barcelona.

Here the link: Motherhood in clinical

(1st part)

Apa, salut!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Confidentiality Provisions Example

Baldi, Baldomà

I have also uploaded this next song, in this case, me very kindly sent the mother a good follower ONAV this and my other blogs.

see if you like. I makes me laugh a lot. Well actually the letter not long ago grace as they carved up a dead king, but we know how these children's songs ... some letters are scary!

Here you (click on the song to hear their music):

How Do You Make Black Shaving Skin Lighter

Nyigo, nyago

I uploaded another song from this blog in the lap lap games that I hope you enjoy it too. It is very funny!

(Click on song to hear their music)

Thank You Letter For Salon

Hand Levers

I uploaded this new song to block lap games I hope you like it (Click on song to hear their music):

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Working For Disney In Canada

The Way Back: The eternal return

is quite difficult to find a place in the current billboard for a movie like The Way Back . As the actors find oasis in the middle of nowhere, "a miracle" in the words of one of them, the new film by Peter Weir is one of those jobs that easily, place the little sign of rare bird by be in the wrong place at the wrong stage. And, in modern times, it is understood as adventure film is the opposite of what has always been told, especially in the American film studies. One of the supreme genera, either in its aspects of swords, colonial adventure, pirates bildungsroman or pulling over to the adventurous theme always used to say something. Huston was The Treasure of Sierra Madre to talk about ambition, William Wellman told us in Beau Geste the fate of three brothers who decide to stay together for the family honor and Victor Fleming suited to Kipling's Captains Courageous for talk about a boy who had everything but a father.

is, as the great genre that is, with the western or noir, aesthetics, its clichés, its rules, have been always at the service of a fund, a subtext present in history, either on pirates on two adventurers are directed to the most remote place on earth to be kings of Kafiristan. And therein lies the anachronism of this magnificent old-tasting product. For adventure it today to see a pirate mannered, funny at first, but tiresome in the end, do all sorts of trifles, or variant vase see actors like Penelope Cruz, Matthew Maconagiu (or how the hell is written) and Kate Hudson go the world for nothing more than them out on a couple of scenes wet by sea or taking off his shirt, accompanied by a couple of explosions and gunfire, so the audience feels it has spread pay admission. But Weir, as the wise and veteran filmmaker who is, again risking and make a product out of complacency, a rambling pace and unkind history.

And, as it did 7 years ago with his latest masterpiece, Master & Commander , the Australian filmmaker chooses to address a classic story from a conventional view, if by conventional mean a sober narrative, where story is told with honesty, greatness is pumped via anamorphic. Weir does not deal at any time to innovate or to lay the foundations for a new film industry and used kneaded enough. On the contrary, reaffirming itself as one of the last classic living, seems to blow up the modern conception of this kind of film back to style that died back in the 80's, when David Lean made his last job. Popping away from the video clip and rapid assembly, and introducing life characters that could be considered even by its construction almost archetypal symbolic and somewhat anti-thematic, rise above the lifeless puppets are used to seeing in recent times . Because, Reusing director Brief Encounter as a reference, Weir plunges fully into the psyche of their characters, dealing, subtly, different points of view upon a time the world already extinct, and using the assembly to delay the lead time and tedium while spectators and characters.

Because, as the genius Fincher on Zodiac , which used the absence of target in the second part of his masterful fresco on the 70 to bring the characters wandering back and forth for an hour and a quarter of footage in which the thing was not moving, the director of Gallipoli seems to follow. Decision may cause a stir, especially taking into account that in an adventure movie should prevail, almost always, the pace of the narrative. But, as he says in an interview, to carry out a film like The Way back need a lot of experience, and where any novice hired by the studios had stumbled, Weir making clear the proposal wins: viewers must feel so desolate and lacking in direction as the players who travel halfway around the world seeking freedom. Because yes, they have a destination, each and every one of them seek to escape from the gulag and go home (if, all of them outcasts, still lost), but the road is to walk and walk and walk without more rest the obligatory stops in search of food, in most cases non-existent. Choose antiépica epic, showing that any other film would eliminate the ellipsis, remembering the remarkable and now forgotten film of Andre de Toth Play Dirty, which narrated every little step mercenaries in the deserts of North Africa in World War II, playing with time and space as key elements in the retraro of the protagonists, all on an ascetic and thorough. Therefore, the total absence of spectacular eliminates any hint of action, and solving the scenes more "commercial" (ie, by trade a scene of "action") to how Lean resolve the battle of Aqaba with a clear view into the canyon useless: a sandstorm is resolved with just three planes.

For this, the author does not fear, clearly inspired by David Lean, to move from ornate and beautiful landscape shots showing most beautiful nature that have been seen in the movies in years, a narrow and violent close-ups showing the road markings in the form of wounds and scabs. Pan and smooth tracking shots are used to describe the locations, placing us in the enormity of space and playing with narrative scenarios with a portentous language. As Lawrence of Arabia as Doctor Zhivago as The Bridge on the River Kwai . The landscape, the place where the action takes place, is a character, and it shows the director. In contrast, and making a sort of division within the tape in the gulag-style implementation becomes almost more psychological, closing environment is oppressive and constantly playing with close-ups, and describing each and every one of his characters with a couple of strokes, provided visual: the kind Janusz, the pragmatic "Mister", the killing of a criminal Valka vest the funny Zoran. That shows us perfectly, which tells the sheriff to reach all the prisoners, who wants to find escape death, but the jail is not the bars, no barbed wires, not even the guards. It is the nature, the tiny huts where dozens of prisoners are crowded, narrow aisles mine ... the gulag of Siberia is worse than death. Of note, therefore, a wonderful picture of Russell Boyd, oblivious to the current fashions in blue and orange, and opting for raw ocher and to illustrate the eternal return of the protagonists.

The other major aspect, in addition to grancia of staging, is the psychological study conducted by the characters. And here is where the radical adventure reappears to open grave. Each representing a different nation, and each has a different ideology and ideology. But beware, do not deal with the classic film which gathers all the topics of the population (the religious fanatic, the funny black, rich heartless whore kind ...) because Weir is not interested Whites and blacks do not want to show the basic vision. In his idea of \u200b\u200bshowing the full range of possible gray, each character has two faces: Janusz was unjustly betrayed by his wife, but his kindness makes you want to go home and forgive, "Mister", played by an excellent Ed Harris, is an American who never forgive the death of his son, which is blamed for having brought to Russia, Irena wants to hide his humble origins and pretends to be an aristocrat to his fellow travelers think they can be trusted, assuming that the noble are good and honest, and then there's Valka, a contradiction in itself, a thief and murderer who does not hesitate to take Stalin and Lenin tattooed on his chest and say they are great men. The ignorance is the breeding ground of dictatorships, and Peter Weir gives a brushstroke on this issue with the character of the criminal, unable to leave the USSR because he can not be free, loves repression. It is the only one of the players already at home because the rest follows their odyssey through hell turned into desert, a kind of purgatory where they unfairly pay their sins.

And, for continuing political thought of the movie, you have to talk about a filmmaker's anti-touch. But do not misunderstand me. Weir does not seek to carry out a far-right pamphlet or anything like that. His film is an ode to freedom and as such, would be stupid to fall into such Manichaeism. As The Truman Show, the Australian filmmaker shows a character at the mercy of a world that does not understand, and even less can handle, gripped by a demiurge who pulls the strings. Misplaced beings in a place that seems to reject them. Because when they come to Mongolia in the hope that they're safe, realize that Soviet Communism has come to Asia as they were in a prison in the ass in the world. They are people almost from another era, lost in a sea. And communism showing Weir is a corrupt party, dirty, suspicious, violent, who made and unmade in several countries at will, either Latvia, Poland and Yugoslavia. As proof of this, the chilling scene in which Irene Voss and enter a Buddhist monastery and he, seeing the skulls pierced by bullets of the monks, he tells his dark secret result of the entry of the Soviets in his country. That is, directly attacks the communist Weir not for their political views, but for their atrocities and brutalities committed during decades, both killing and imprisoning someone for something as harmless as taking a picture of Red Square.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Disney's Cars Invitation Wording Ideas

The part of a bitch

Today I hang the bitch part of the Dana, I saw yesterday in the veterinary program on TV3. With what seems to peace!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Sample Business Project Reports

Lentils with vegetables and fever medications

days ago that I keep seeing a TV ad for a brand of infant feeding that has caused the restlessness of write about it.

is a spot where Announce an excellent lunch for children: Lentils with vegetables. Certainly give your child a good dish of lentils with vegetables is a good choice (on a single plate is vegetables and if you add bits of meat and rice is now the bomb!). So far, all is well.

can also see how the child is in the kitchen when his parents are preparing lunch. Very good, too. Although it would be better if you did participate in the preparation, which often do not leave them there and I personally find it very interesting. So here, too, all is well.

Another thing that we see in the ad is like the small eating and sitting at the table same time as the rest of the family. Fantastic! Tandebó always do so. Option, from my personal practice, especially advise. So here again, all is well.

But eventually the time comes that I despair: the table when serving dish of lentils with vegetables. Those who do not look good, who allegedly removed a fragrant broth, so that those like you come to little ones ... And Zas! We pass in front and not let it try! In return you enxufen a "Potito" of "lentils with vegetables" joy that are the same that will eat their fathers and brothers. Please respect, poor kids!

Suddenly an ad I could look interesting and all, it becomes disastrous. OK, surely these "potitos" foods are not bad (this is not the problem), nor kill our son (I do here) but what was clear is that it can never replace a meal made at home ( I am not convinced!). Using this kind of food should be for cases of extreme need (do not arrive in time to a place where you can eat or go out to the mountains a few days and you could not do otherwise ...); but when you have been cooking for the whole family, plantufar it seems that the little mockery. What sense does it?

Seriously, the publicist who has made this announcement, or not have children, cook or do not know, or (as the company) the only interest is king and not the welfare of our children as we want to believe, frankly.

Nothing, today I made with lentils and vegetables, like when he was 1 year, my daughter found the yummy!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Medical Collection Letter Template

May 7, 2011 Global Marijuana March

Wm Rogers And Son China Silverware

you upload an article in La Vanguardia newspaper on 3/21/2011 talks about past drug use when the kids have a fever.


Nuevas Guidelines for the use of Fármacos against fever in children

darse They must fight to discontent, not to arrange a temperature


Josep Corbella have similar efficacy, but combining them (ie, alternating doses of each other) seems even more effective, as the few studies that have examined this issue.

And although the two products are safe when given in adequate doses, it is important not to exceed these doses as in many households to avoid side effects can be severe. These are the main recommendations made by the new document on treatment of fever in the American Academy of Pediatrics ( AAP), presented in the latest issue of the journal Pediatrics. With more than 60,000 members, the AAP is the association of pediatrics world's largest and its recommendations are usually followed by pediatricians from other countries, including Spain. "Fever is not a disease but a physiological mechanism that has beneficial effects in fighting infections," says the document. Among these benefits, the AAP notes that the fever limits the growth of bacteria and viruses and encourages growth of immune cells. On the other hand, often involve a sense of discomfort with irritability, depression and loss of appetite, among other symptoms. Therefore, the goal of treatment should not get a normal temperature but to restore the child's welfare.

Treatment should be administered with acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Aspirin should be avoided, as in children can cause Reye syndrome.

fever due to infection, the AAP notes, does not worsen the course of a disease or have long-term adverse effects. The only situation in which fever is a disease in itself is when a hyperthermia, a rare disorder in which the brain loses its ability to regulate body temperature, for example, after a heat stroke, and can cause neurological damage and death. But this is a distinct febrile reaction which occurs following common infections in childhood.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Living Room Color Schemes With Cherry Floor

marijuana helps cancer patients with taste of Eating

Tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive substance in marijuana, returns to cancer patients the chance to enjoy the taste of food, according to a study by a group of Canadian scientists, reports The Daily Mail

Researchers at the University of Alberta, Canada, brought together a group of 21 volunteer patients who have undergone chemotherapy treatment. The group was divided into two parts: a placebo, while others received tetrahydrocannabinol capsules.

At the end of the experiment, which lasted 18 days, patients filled out a form with different questions about his ability to taste food and enjoy it.

The results showed that 73% of the volunteers who took tetrahydrocannabinol began to enjoy more time consuming different foods. Only 30% of those taking placebo said they had experienced the same effect. It is noteworthy that patients of the first group had been effectively standardized and noted that the dream began to relax more quickly and more easily.

The lead researcher, Professor Wendy Wismer says The results of the experiment are of great importance, because the cancer or therapy that is applied to combat it can affect appetite and consequently cause a dangerous loss of weight.

Wismer noted that many cancer patients eat less because they feel that the food tastes or smells unpleasant.

The specialist believes that doctors should study the possibility of tetrahydrocannabinol in the treatment of taste disorders in cancer patients.

What To Say In Congratulations Card For New Job

Three Young touring America in Bicycles

green bamboo bikes and marijuana to go from Alaska to Argentina

3 young Latin tour proposed north-south bike made of bamboo and marijuana, with the aim of spreading a message of protection to the water.

several months ago out of Alaska, are in Costa Rica and its goal is to Tierra del Fuego in Argentina.

The engine that will lead to there is the strength of his legs, the bike made of bamboo and roots of marijuana and foremost desire to make known his message of water conservation.

His goal is that in January 2012, to pour over the cold waters south of Argentina, a bottle of water taken in Alaska.

Coast will start from Monday Rica y but still a long way to Argentina, are already planning your adventure with the same message of water conservation, this time on the African continent.

Life Expectancy For Wegener's Disease

Bamboo and Marijuana Smoking Marijuana May Relieve Chronic Pain

A new study may give hope to people suffering from chronic pain, indicating that the use of small doses marijuana (cannabis) may relieve chronic pain sufferers . This is in addition to the use of narcotic analgesics such as hydrocodone, morphine, oxycodone to relieve chronic pain.

Marijuana (cannabis) to be a drug, causes patients to relax and sleep achieved in a manner quick and easy, this is the use of a medicinal marijuana has been used since ancient times. Most of the preliminary inquiry has been used extracts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in the cannabis plant.

The investigators suggest that this is the first time you perform an investigation of marijuana (cannabis) by mouth, that is smoked by patients. You must also indicate that it has sparked a discussion by the use of this herb that is frowned upon for being a drug.

was used for this study 22 patients suffering from neuropathic pain, a result after surgery, suffered an accident or trauma. Of which 60% of patients had suffered a short-term disability or permanent disability.

According to the results obtained at the end of the study indicates that consumption of marijuana (cannabis), helped to relieve pain and reduce anxiety and depression, also helps sleep. But so far there is no accurate and efficient results that affirm this study.

At the moment there can be employed to marijuana (cannabis) as treatment of chronic pain, until a formal medical version. For now you can only use pharmacological aid, using medications such as hydrocodone, Vicodin, Lorcet, Lortab, relieving chronic pain, which should be taken according to prescription.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Russian Bare Pic. Free

The education system is anachronistic

Today I leave you an interesting story that I sent my sister program La2 de TVE, directed by Edward Punset Networks, who talks about the current educational system. See if you like. You need half an hour.

Here the link:

Educational system is anachronistic

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Diaper Punishment/church

902 111 444


- Health Answer. Good night, attending Susanna. Tell me!

- Good night. I make them a query.

- or Pediatric Care?

- Pediatric.

- Very good. M'haurà provide some information: your name, your age (for statistics), your phone (To get in touch if you cut the conversation).

- Elisenda ... - Good night, I'ma pediatric nurse, I'm Laia. You say.
- Look So my daughter is 19 months from the door yesterday morning with fever (38 C-38'5 ° C) and decomposition and some vomiting. We have done this
(...) - (...) We are doing well. If you want, then you can do now is make a generous bath for her daughter (about 10 minutes, playing a little rat) and then puts cremeta always helps to cool and then even if that voice has a fever you can give ibuprofen . - The pamphlet says every 8 hours. - can give to him every 6 in this case. And if you see that tomorrow morning the symptoms linger, the door to the CAP and to make a look.
tut ...

Fortunately, our daughter has been sick during those 19-20 months. Ever had a little fever or a runny nose or vomiting or decomposition but has never had to give him medication. This time, however, stood watching the fever we opted to give children ibuprofen. At the end of the day and seeing that the symptoms persist, we choose to call Health Reply (or in the emergency department or hospital). One call. A good attention. And a good resolution.

Taking this quality public services (24 hours! 365 days a year!) Ads do not understand each other absurdities, the people doing lines to hospitals or emergency for simple colds. If you have never made use of this service, we recommend it as long as we have since called fast and fantastic. It is a pleasure! And you save go to the doctor (which is to say that you save out of home, queues and expose yourself to other viruses ...).

Apa, salut!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

How Do You Know When A Scorpio Has Lost Interest.

Global Marijuana March in Ecuador

New date for referendum: Saturday April 23, 2011 10H00Parque of La Carolina off the Amazon PapaAv Cross ... ... Saturday April 23 2011Quito, Ecuador


"A fight for our rights"

The "Global Marijuana March (GMM)" also known as the Global Marijuana March (MMM) was made since 1999 on the first Saturday of May each year, simultaneously in cities around the world.


Make clear the number of consumers to end the discrimination, persecution and criminalization, demand for the decriminalization of possession for consumption, medicinal uses and self-cultivation.


* For the legalization of cultivation and possession for consumption.

* On the right of patients to choose the best medicine.

* For a national public health plan, universal and free.

* By the end of compulsory admissions and violent.

* By creating prevention campaigns and harm reduction.

* And above all, for a drug law just, humane and effective.

We invite you to read some articles on attachments for greater acculturation links on the subject, and will help us with more information and input.

Because we do not distinguish sexes, races, cultures, beliefs, religions, any kind of social strato, enfermades, ability or disability, nationality, any kind of social stratification, or that which divides us and makes us individuals, we are all one , and one is part of all.

invite all who wish to participate actively and peacefully, to contribute their own way, bring signs, music, bands, any initiative is welcome.


Ecuador prepares a reform 'integral' over drug law.

"Jose Serrano said that in order to achieve effective reform debate that legislation on drugs with attention to human rights and more effective tools, it is necessary to depart from arguments" moral "and reduction of the drug as a problem "insecurity". "

New Constitution, Article 364:

" Addictions are a public health problem. The State is responsible developing co-ordinated information, prevention and control of alcohol consumption, snuff and narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as well as providing treatment and rehabilitation to occasional users, regular and problematic. Under no circumstances will its criminalization or violate their constitutional rights. "

Ecuador has one of the strictest drug laws in the hemisphere. A person who commits nonviolent drug offenses may even receive the same sentence as a murderer, and in some cases even higher.

invite all kinds of social, public, non-profit, NGOs, artists, musicians, artisans, jugglers, merchants, consumers, general public, a day where we can demonstrate that those who consume cannabis are not criminals, we do not do any harm to anyone, and as all living beings deserve freedom and respect for our rights, we do not seek conflict, we set no wars, no traffic, so we looked for a fairer law for all, where a plant does not deserve to be punished, much less criminalized consumers.

Planters, smoking cannabis and scholars, friends of Mary, lovers of freedom, culture, life, non-smokers tolerant, supportive of civil rights forever postponed on behalf of the war. The war against terrorism, the war against drugs, enemy of hypocrisy, double standards, poor milk ... The peaceful and democratic coexistence with marijuana flower ... Today, smoking marijuana as part of the customs of

different meanings and groups of people in our society. Engage in a policy that denies reality to defend particular moral values \u200b\u200b(no doubt good, but not more than others living in our pluralistic society) is not only useless, but counterproductive and unwise. It is useless, because the prohibition has failed miserably in the light of the huge boom consumption. It is counterproductive, because it is obvious that most health problems, family, social justice and drugs are directly related to the adverse effects of the prohibitionist policy. And it is unwise from the point of view of stability of the system: corporations are more controllable on the basis of a social consensus where formal laws and informal behavior of its citizens (and customs) are more consistent. Otherwise, conflict, lack of respect for moral values \u200b\u200bthat society wants to be, will be daily attitudes and our communities end up hopelessly fractured between prohibitionist and anti-prohibitionist.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Congratulations To A Friend For New Job

Good ideas (again) Advantages and disadvantages

do not know if things are good ideas or practices but I will if the notes may be useful:

- all you really have gone with your children at any festival, fair, "cavallitos" ... without going further assured that all have gone to an event of the Carnival this past weekend. I have seen them all so greatly appreciated by children and giant balloons that last little expensive at the hands of children to fly and escape ... yes, those globes that all children have just one day and asking that all parents will surely end up buying and spicy.
Well in our house we found the solution (at least for now). This is not to throw that stick and take it one day because you have been stuck with a balloon in one store and take home a package of these inflatables. And ready before leaving home to walk fair for you to inflate a balloon, put it stuck to that pole and we have already saved! A walk with his daughter happy with his balloon! And what's most important free and be tempted by those huge inflatable expensive!

- bath toys always end up being ducklings, which shoot water puppet, books, plastic ... toys that were a pretty good time, but are aborrides as the children were doing great. A proposal also will serve to encourage motor development and curiosity of our children is give them a couple of plastic cups (reusable of those parties and not just never again to collaborate eg) and a sieve of kitchen, for example. They will be able to discover how trasvassaments water filters or water o. .. Also give them a couple or three balls: one of those foam that absorbs water but still floating, a typical plastic that floats and one that s'enfosen (like golf). Can play with them and discover many things convinades with glasses and sliding.

- Surely you when you gave birth to a wicker basket. If you gave the rectangular and slightly larger (and you can buy it) you can use to put a few stories of your children well placed with the spine facing up and leaving it at its height (in ground is a good place) so that always will have a selection of stories available to take him and pick the stories you most want. It may seem vajanada but it is very important to their autonomy.

I hope you serve the ideas of this new edition of Good Ideas!

Apa, salut!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Studio 54 Clothes Blog

Discover the Benefits of Milk Analyze

marijuana milk is an excellent choice for those seeking an alternative to cow's milk, and contrary to what its name might suggest, milk Marijuana does not cause any of the psychotropic effects that would cause smoke or consume the leaf of the plant.

still unknown in many parts of the world, the milk of marijuana (hemp milk) and is opening the market in those places where people is not as wary with everything about this plant.

Can you make milk with Marijuana Leaf?

Milk Marijuana is not done with the blade, but was prepared using the hemp seed, which is nothing it the seed of the marijuana plant.

Although marijuana milk can be prepared way home, in some parts of the USA and Canada and is marketed in the same way as soymilk.

As a curiosity, a half-liter bottle of marijuana seeds oil costs U.S. $ 15, and energy bars made from the same plant cost $ 2.30.

Would not it be illegal in most parts of the world?

The answer is no. The problem is that most countries in the world criminalize the cultivation of the marijuana plant, so that their development must be imported hemp seeds from those countries that do not criminalize the cultivation of the plant. An example is Canada, which decriminalized the planting and commercial use of the hemp plant in 1998 after 60 years of prohibition.

What benefits would milk consumption of marijuana?

It is here where the milk pot stands and may become an alternative to cow's milk, especially for those who for various digestive disorders can not consume.

Among the many milk benefits of marijuana found an 8-ounce glass of this drink provides,

* 900mg of Omega 3 fatty acids
* 2800mg of Omega 6 fatty acids
* The 10 essential amino acids
digestible protein 4g * 0% cholesterol

* * Phosphorus Potassium Riboflavin

* * Vitamin A, D, E and B12

* Folic acid * Magnesium * Iron

* Zin

What's psychotropic effects Because smoking marijuana?

marijuana milk to be produced as seed plant, has no trace of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the cause of the psychotropic effects of marijuana, so consumption of this milk is, apart from being very healthy and beneficial for the body, sure.

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Marijuana Legalize Marijuana in Connecticut

Connecticut lawmakers are considering legalizing the use of marijuana in small amounts for medicinal use.

General Assembly Judiciary Committee prepares for a hearing today to discuss the proposals in the controversial decision to decriminalize the use of fewer drugs.

One of the laws proposed by the Governor, Dannel P. Malloy, is to be recognized as an offense to anyone who owns less than an ounce of marijuana. He is currently considered a misdemeanor.

Another proposal of the legislators is considered as an offense to holders of instruments or paraphernalia in the use of the drug.

is expected that during the meeting will hear testimony that would allow Connecticut doctors prescribe marijuana for medicinal purposes, for certain patients. Malloy has offered to consider one of the proposals.

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Uruguay Deputies Prepare To Decriminalize Marijuana Project

Two lawmakers of the ruling Frente Amplio (FA) prepare a initiative to amend the law on possession of marijuana for personal consumption. The proposal will be sent to Congress this week.

The draft was prepared by Deputy Sabini with Sebastián Nicolás Núñez, both legislators of the Frente Amplio.

Sabini said the project estimated at 25 grams, the amount of marijuana that a person can have on public roads. While it can grow eight plants homemade way.

The deputy explained that "from these measures can begin to assume that the person being trafficked." As stated

lawmakers must understand "that not everyone marijuana will end up with crack cocaine. "

For his part, President of the Chamber of Deputies and member of the opposition National Party, Luis Lacalle Pou, said "should not be set a number of plants."

Because "judges must determine whether it is cultivation for personal use or for sale."

In the eastern country selling marijuana is penalized, while the cultivation for personal use not.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Touch Women Body In Train

When I think of the advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding a large kid, in my case a girl of almost 20 months, most would say that there are advantages. Moreover, I find almost more advantages now than at the beginning of breastfeeding, time for his part in what many failed attempts maternament breastfeed their children. So today
Some advantages:

- First one economic: it has spent almost 20 months without spending a penny on us milk for our daughter! or put another way, if we estimate it takes 1 / 2 liter of milk daily are talking about savings of between 300 and 900 €. Little joke!

- Another advantage is that it is now easier to know when flight chest. Neither decryption faces or movements, no tears ... Simply tells you: Mother stern!

- At night use alone know something that helps you relax better.

- How can popar in all possible positions (even more unimaginable) it frees more hands. IEP, but do not think this is important!

Some drawbacks:
- What are some (awful) mania and who wanted to tune a radio transmitter with the chest which are not popant! But I think I found the solution: they have occupied the hand! And some

tonterietes says that some people (who obviously have not given their children to the chest that age, of course!) and they are not advantages or disadvantages, but lies!:

- That children should be taking this autonomy and take the breast not help. Vajanades!

- That the mother is "slave" because his son is still dependent on her with this issue. More vajanades!

And nothing, as said earlier these are some of the advantages and disadvantages. And your?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Rubbermaid Configurations Compatible With Elfa

New blog games skirt!

from many days ago I was about to head to video games to lap them and upload them to share with other parents. Finally I got it. At the moment I've only done one, but as I have time will go by more.

order to concentrate them all in one website I created a new blog is titled
. Hope you like the idea!

Here the first video I've uploaded: The
Balangera of Columbus
that my daughter loves it! And when does more with his grandmother and his cousins.

I hope you also find the new blog!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

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You know that when we become (as it somehow) in mothers, who are regular readers, you suddenly do not have much time to read and we are dedicated to the topics and read books children (at least at first). But all returns and good manners can not be missed and we look for moments where it is! So from
'm passionate about the recent history of Spain and Catalonia in particular (Civil War and Franco) and even more if it is linked to women. I have been a few (many) books on the subject and still know so little ... There is much to explain not explained ... by fear, shame, because maybe they think we are not interested, to hide, to ... whatever I want to know. Want to know how they lived and what people who lived part of my story (but do not know who they are and what we have now is my country!).

is why today I want to recommend a reading that directly touches the topic of this blog, in this case the birth of a child. The birth of nearly 600 children and most Catalan and English, the experiences of their mothers were forced into exile after the English Civil War. Experiences hard, very hard to see that a light touch thank you Motherhood was named Elna and which gives its name to Assumption Montellà book "The Motherhood Elna. And from here, my humble blog, I want to make a special recognition to all of these mothers (GCC extension and all civilians who had lived all those hardships) as they have often been blurred in history unfairly.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Example Of Reference Character Letter

Read The Motherhood makes us free (part 4) Sponge

With 19 months as is the small family, books and stories are now a very important part of life in the small. No day in which we see not a few stories. Now grab the door and we'll look for something specific that might have that book: that the ladybug is on page 5 or child who accompanies the song "Ball and handles many other things ... Leveraging this interest, every week we go to the library spaces that are designed more for kids of families, and we take a look at some stories and to have it at home. We recommend it. I think a very interesting learning experience.
Today I recommend:
This is my city or the farm of John

Beascoa the publisher. Fisher-Price. It is a collection of books of special format, with flat twin power and with mechanisms that allow figures to move inside the story. It's quite fun. The images are not killed but and understandable for children. The text is simple and secondary.

Pots, pans white wine
editions of La Galera. It is a selection of popular songs, poems, games and small skirt made by M. Eulalia Valeri Lisson and Assumption of "Rosa Sensat" with drawings by Carme Solé and Fine raffle. It's nice but very old so I do not know if it is easy to find. Some songs were included with the score to be able to sing and at the end of the book is a brief explanation to energize the game or song.

And nothing, this is the choice today. In

read a lot!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

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And that the time has come when we can say with absolute certainty that in our lives a sponge! And it is not any way a sponge, we are ahead of the sponge, if we look at an advertisement for sponge, would be the most powerful, most good, most absorbing of all the market! Yes, now more than ever, our lives should be what they call "an exemplary life," because it mimics all our small, but everything. No detail is lost! Even mimics what has gone unnoticed to us, what they have not given any relevance or not what we want to imitate.

Now is the time not forgetting to wash our hands before eating, or us every morning to comb, or brush our teeth ... Now is the time to say no profanity, or not lose nerve o. .. Now is the time to make us more kisses, laughing a lot and cry when necessary, to share ... Now is the time to take our daughter is "ultrabsorvent" per la nostra millor life!

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more your disk is strictly jazzy and possibly the best yet after his two previous releases, "Like Water antre fingers" and "The Sea of \u200b\u200bmy life." And is that in spite of all mergers and for having, at the end always have to return to the classics , where it really builds the path of any artist.
The "Back 2 The Source" is the personal view of Eva Cortés to the essence of what she considered the mainstay of his musical influences: jazz . And it does so through an enviable musical selections, which include both issues as Henri Mancini Cole Porter and Rogers & Hammerstein II.
On this album there are two things that are worth highlighting. First, it is the debut of singer using English in their primary language recordings . Second, and this deserves to be remarked, that without meaning to, it is much earlier recording, this album is a magnificent tribute to the figure of the recently deceased composer / arranger English Algueró Augusto; as they use many of their fixes for versions of major themes of American Songbook that he took into Castilian. Thus, we must mention "Bewitched" ("Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered"), "Within me "(" I ve got you under my skin ")," The Moon River "(" Moonriver ") and" Take Me to the Moon ("Fly me to the moon"). One can only say that the arrangements are gorgeous and that Cortes made a very sane interpretations.
This does not mean that Eve Cortes lost its musical identity, and thus that he plays flamenco is also present at various times of the disk, and so is her look to France's version of "Sous le ciel de Paris" and, finally, could not miss their Latin sources, especially with the participation of his faithful squire Pepe Rivero the piano (with his trio), which gives a very Cuban point much appreciated throughout the disc.
No doubt this is the album that sits this singer from Honduras (but passed through Paris, Seville and Madrid), as one of the most solid vocal jazz scene English.

José Manuel Pérez King

Label: Universal
Distributor: Universal
Year: 2010
Musicians: Eva Cortes (Voice), Pepe Rivero (piano); Toño Miguel (bass), Alain Pérez (bass), Marc Miralta (drums); Georvis Pico (drums), Javier Limon (guitar), Romero Lubambo (guitar), Mark Whitfield ( guitar)
Style: Jazz Vocal

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pityriasis Rosea, Celiac

We have everything except parents

Here teniu an article dels diari
The Country
d'avui day 20/02/2011. Com tot hi ha altres coses més intéressants that. Vosaltres Valoreu mateixes:

is an unusual circumstance, because such centers, with capacity for about half a dozen teenage boys and girls, assisted by psychologists and social workers, have so far only been inhabited by kids from dysfunctional families, those in which the parents are in prison, or sick with no means of subsistence, unemployed and drug addicts with no future in the broad sense, most alcoholics. Now, however, begin to share a room with rich teens whom no one could have imagined under the care of social services in the regions. The link between them is homelessness.

In some cases, the parents delegate the management problem, in others it is still opting for the internship, depending on their membership in the high or low level of the middle class. According to experts, both forms of alienation of the child's conflicting home is given more and more frequently and at younger ages emerges.

These antisocial behaviors are due to a "revenge

of adolescents against the parents for having submitted to a semi-abandonment of fact? Or how to protect their own helplessness of the most confusing years of existence? Do these guys recover socially difficult and lonely?

But he pays a high price for it. The child entangled further into the spiral of conflict and despair. The Parents are defeated and lament the misfortune of having a son. The first contact with professionals usually comes from the mother. Although both parents work, which she still finds time to enlist the help of experts. The initial lament is a common pattern, according to White Betes: "My son is a mess, is not going to class, stopped everything.'s Aggressive, insulting us and even hits us. We live in hell." Parents always blame the children. They are victims of an injustice: they have given everything for them and only get grief. As therapy progresses, looms the guilt. In the end, assume that, indeed, have given him everything except his time. And it's a minor detail.

With over a decade of experience, White Betes has learned to translate the language of teenagers: "Iros to hell", for parents means "I am very lonely. I do not want. I do not care for them. Keep me in mind; incluidme in your lives."

"To my regret," added the director of Psiceduca, "Sometimes the guys are willing to change if their parents do it too, because they are so unhappy. But the lack of time for the major spoils everything. A My recent case ended with the boy's placement in an elite school in Switzerland, because her parents found it impossible to go to therapy. "

From distance, either in a group home or a luxury boarding, the emotional bond is in serious danger, experts say. "The internship is perceived by the child as' not only have you forsaken me, but I was away from your life." The typical reaction is to close even more in your group of friends and displayed abusive and aggressive with the family.

Some professionals refer to lack of de facto parents and ill-treatment. They call this "omission negligence of duty" and a cause of deprivation of parental rights. In Spain there are 35,000 children in care by the authorities, although it is not possible to obtain data on how many of them relate to the failure of parental duty. Arturo Canalda, Children's Rights Ombudsman of the Community of Madrid, says the main cause of the absence of reliable statistics: "Every autonomy has its own system of classification of abandonment, and what is in some distress in others it is risk, and vice versa. None is required to update and specify the data, so we worked a little blind, with trust of instinct and experience. "

social pediatrician at Children's Hospital Niño Jesús García Jesús de Madrid warned the senators that agreed on the outlines the future reform of the national adoption law that "a sociopath father who is not only abandoned, mistreated or sexually abused their children, but who does parental neglect of duty." And he revealed that negligence is the second leading cause of abuse of Community of Madrid. The result of this attitude, he says, "are a serious emotional disturbance resulting from an abandonment in fact." Account

this pediatrician who also chairs the Madrid Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse: "A mother, a very successful career, came to my office to demand for child anxiety because mobile sent 1,000 messages per day. Yes 1,000. I went to his house and cabin room was


home cinema, mp3

, iPhone, Mp4, Wii consoles ... all. However, it was one of the children have seen homeless . His problems were a frantic call from managed care parents, who almost did not see. "After a hard and prolonged therapy, the case begins to get ready and the boy is also recovering from what pediatricians now call" the deafness of MP3 ", which damages hearing , and "arthritis metacarpophalangeal" of his right hand, resented by both sms.

Another couple who recently passed by his department in the Child Jesus could not solve the problem and finally lost custody because of parental neglect of duty. There were two executives Vegans [vegans] whose son had severe encephalopathy by lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid, "with a tremendous mental retardation."

This and the other children who have been through the same cause provision of protection services of the Community of Madrid have "hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy," which makes them dependent for life. "Sometimes, the worst problem of children are parents," says the pediatrician, who fought with the energy theory that emerged in the sixties, and still continues in some circles-that is better spent on children "time quality ", ie a short time but made from


formerly known as that" quantitative time "hours, but embittered by their mothers allegedly condition forced housewives. "Neither quantitative nor qualitative," Dr. Garcia saves. "Children need time to dry."

In this context, would not be condemning this kind of parents pointing the finger of blame? Do not remove this uncomfortable feeling that the success at work means neglecting your family? Or the reverse: children care and attention, promotion impossible, especially in the case of women. Do the existing stereotypes?

"As always, we must seek balance. But in the current circumstances is not easy," says Jesus Poveda, a psychiatrist at the Autonomous University of Madrid and a specialist in pathologies of adolescence. "The two are both perpetrators and victims. The education of children is their responsibility, but you do not know or can not do better, the conflict is assured." Many of these parents are victims, in turn, the mis-education that they received, and played hard to digest models for youth in the digital age.

"Before, teenagers were easier to live with what psychiatrists call 'factor of belonging' through the extended family and neighborhood friends. But today that rarely do, and how the real world is hostile to them seeking their membership in the virtual. We have 500 friends on Tuenti and none in the neighborhood. No good ".

Parents, according to this psychiatrist, should be helped to distinguish the necessary from the urgent." When the alarm sounds extremely serious, for example, a suicide attempt by the child-are quick to change working hours or find another job that allows them to be in the afternoon with the children. We have seen the wolf ears. " Jesus Palacios, Professor of Psychology and Education at the University of Seville, not blame or absolve anyone. Only emphasizes that" there is an upward curve of the upper middle class parents whose jobs are so engrossing that have not paid due attention to the children. When that is coupled to the problems adolescence, they have lost control of the family situation. "In such circumstances, first try that educators and psychologists remedy the problem." In the end, they themselves are asking the Administration to take charge of the children " Palacios added.

under Judge Emilio Calatayud Granada says: "The profile of the teenager who assaulted their parents or commit crimes via the Internet or mobile phone wealthy social class that has had all the material aspect and has grown up alone, without anyone with authority to set limits. "

This judge became popular in sentencing that placed the child in the place of the victim or his surroundings. If a guy stoned the windows of the school, the punishment was to clean for a few months, if he attacked a weaker partner, forcing him to live with disabilities, if he had driven drunk, to assist quadriplegics. This has achieved success in the reintegration of children, but now says kids feel a little overwhelmed by aggressive with the family and cyber offenders. Guys who are temporarily separated from their parents and sent to supervised apartments. At the same time, and if you have media that parents try to change their priorities: their children ahead of career success. "More can not do."

Friday, February 18, 2011

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Surely most would agree that animals are a very present in the first months and years of our children. For example, if we think a moment in the first book that took our tiny, probably (and almost put his hands on fire), was or had any animal or animals, if we think the first thing they said, disappointment- us, was neither pope nor Mama probably was Muuuuu!

In our house we have the luck and privilege (or unlucky by many others) have pretty animal neighbors. Lucky because we close enough to see them go far enough to walk but it does not smell or hear the din and privilege to watch stories are fine but see them live is much better.

Today, for example, we could make the "cattle route": Can Red first to see the cows (which is now no longer likes to see them so close, he must start out feeling of fear Can Feliuet ...); then to see pigs (and their dogs bordadora); lot more to another farm rabbits do not know who gossip accompanied by two goats (Tranca Canyon and told me that said the owner) and, for the ride to close Can Olives to see Macario, a donkey old man who left more recently and pearls, her tiny dog \u200b\u200bpetaner those that seem so balls. Certainly a fantastic route and privileged smaller than me and we love!

And we would like to have all these animals at home but for now we are satisfied (and happy) you can have two dogs and two chickens. The relationship is created between children and animals is very nice. Children learn things that the human animal can not give or teach while they learn to take care as they develop.

With animals, everything is a lot of advantages. And if you've never considered having one at home (and I speak for a dog, for example), fear not, animals do not attack people (newborn nor eat, nor should sleep with the first of robeta baby, or he will shoot on them and will fall, or you paste it diseases ...) unless there is something strange in between and are rude, of course! The others often can feel ... are simple tales!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Today I upload an interview against the newspaper La Vanguardia

"The part is converted into a physiological acto acto unhappy"

Marta Espar , parturienta it knows that all happy birth

Tengo 41 años. Nation in vivo in Barcelona and Masnou. Soy journalist and psychologist. Estoy married I have two children, Judith (7) and Guillem (4). . . Ariadna born now! I believe in freedom and information. He believed in God. . . And today I believe in doubt. I advocate the gentle birth. When is all?

In ten days.

How are you? I was never so quiet!

is not their first birth ... .. It is the third, but the first which has comprehensive information. And I know I'm in good hands.

Was it not so in the previous two?

No! Deliveries were technological, ie highly medicalized births.

What's wrong? That the mother is treated like a child, not informed of what they do not respect him, as if suddenly silly.

Are so most deliveries today? In Spain, yes. Childbirth is a physiological event ... we have become somewhat contrived, complicated, medicalized ... an unhappy experience for Women!

So much as unhappy ..?

20 years ago, the WHO warns that European countries such as Spain have medical interventions in childbirth excessive, unnecessary, unjustified .., and risky.

What do you mean?

The inoculation of oxytocin and epidural, the practice of episiotomy and caesarean section, use of forceps and suction ...

Do you have data?

Episiotomy-a cut in the perineum, is necessary only in 10% -30% of cases .., but is practiced by 73% of women giving birth!

Why both?

By inertia, despite scientific evidence: no protective effect against the tear. And what is unpleasant and uncomfortable for the woman! Some were ruined sex life for months ... Not to mention the cesarean ...

the same is too much?

Yes caesarean section is indicated only 15% of all births, but in Catalunya is applied in 23% of public clinics ... and 40% of private clinics!

I ask the same thing: why?

For the false belief that perinatal greater security. On the contrary!: Mother bedridden days, may suffer post-traumatic stress, her baby does not receive the microbial immunity provides pass through the vagina ... The cesarean birth statistics are suffering-and-more allergies and asthma ...

But alleviated pain in the mother.

A birth hurts .. but it's nothing that a woman can not cope! Medicine is welcome to complement the physiological birth .., but not if you deleted!

What is good physiological birth?

the mother not to stretch his back, immobilized, their contractions monitored ... So slow down ... so we put Pitocin drip ... ... generated by sharp contractions that cause suffering to the fetus ... and that lead women to request epidural ... it numbs the baby at birth, which will cost much suck ...

Just recite the battery of attacks against the physiological birth!

Yes, I have described the birth technology: the one I lived in my first two children, including the use of forceps, with a stick breaking the amniotic sac ... all unnecessary! For

describe and physiological childbirth.

also called "gentle birth" means the woman seeking the most comfortable position to push and bear: standing, kneeling, squatting, leaning on birthing chair, on all fours ...


is not immobilized, can move freely, can take a shower or hot bath ... that stimulates normal contractions, dilates well ... and puja, and the husband came and cut the cord when it stops beating.

"Without oxytocin or epidural? In Spain there

epidural in 90% of deliveries ... when really necessary only in 55%. Natural hormones are analgesic. And no medical need: sufficient well-trained midwives to give encouragement emotional warmth, massage ...

did not know the late umbilical cord.

Keep pumping oxygen for a while, it helps the baby breathe: wait before cutting. And nothing to clean the greasers that covers baby's skin, called vernix caseosa.

right? What are the benefits that?

Protects baby's skin from dermatitis and allergies. Leave it to my daughter, until your skin absorbs it. And ask you to immediately put me on the abdomen, your contact will raise milk me before. And after an hour and a half, the smell of my nipple will be guided to, and should be fed easily be grasped. And I will give breastfed for six months.

Is there a model country in childbirth?

Now, Britain and the Nordic countries, where deliveries conform to the latest scientific evidence, are physiological, medical technology in the background.

What other factors can contribute to a happier birth?

An intimate space, with the company desired, with soft lighting, soothing music with a choice ... Will we

this in the English hospital system?

I trust it because the physiological birth also more happy, it's cheaper, shorter hospitalization, less instrumental ... So it will be easier to spread on our public system than in private.

What would you say is the fundamental requirement for delivery happy?

respect to women, give all the information accurate and that you choose: it is inconsistent with feminist progress in the throes of birth crucial to give my body to a doctor that I do everything without me no say.

cesarean Plague

Increasingly women feel that they have hijacked a act of which were active players for millennia: the birth. An act for which we all agreed, and during the twentieth century has been gradually hijacked by technomedicine, with the best intentions. But today many women want to restore dignity and emotional intensity of that experience foundation of human existence. Therefore it is very valuable work "The secret of a happy birth '(Grijalbo) /' Els secrets d'un part happiness' (Pagès), Marta Espar: clarifies what science says today, as it is better to have sex until delivery, or (Odent) caesarean section leaves a footprint that is born of insecurity ...

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Third solo recording organist Jared Gold , a CD that draws on the history of this instrument to recreate nine tracks of which six are original compositions and three versions that show the eclecticism of this musician in his tastes.
The first theme is "An Aperitif" by Hank Mobley, we also find a version of "You Have not Done Nothin 'Stevie Wonder and" La La "by T. Bell and H. Carmichael.
good musicians in the group East Coast as the guitarist Dave Stryker, drummer Mark Ferber and saxophonist Chris Check the national complement the work of Jared.
Start with "An Aperitif" Hank Mobley may seem a statement of intentions but the pace drops in the church "Preachin 'and the more tranquil" Out of Line ", this is the time for Wonder and" You Have not Done Nothin '. Another ballad "It Is Well" is a bridge with "Down South" to reach more rhythmic theme of the album, "The Stone Age", where Jared Check with good carry the burden alone. We still have more music to listen to, a quiet version of "La-La" that became famous by the Delfonics and the group moved more and 'bossa novero' "Skylark" which ends with this new recording of Jared Gold and his people.
A CD full of good classic organ want to hear that if you are not the musings and improvisations are looking for. An album that returns to the sixties and seventies with good taste and love of things made with a certain quality.

I. Ortega

Label: Posi-Tone Records
Distributor: Distrijazz
Year: 2010
Musicians: Jared Gold (organ), Chris Cheek (sax), Dave Stryker (guitar), Mark Ferber (drums)
Style: Modern Jazz

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